Revenge (Chapter 1)

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*Sweeney POV*

I scowl at the beggar women in front of me, the judge will be here any minute and she won't leave.

"Don't I know you?" She asks me with recognition in her voice.

"No why would I?" I ask while still scowling at her. If she doesn't get out soon I will just kill her, it's easier anyway.

"JUST GET OUT!" I yell at her. When she refuses I am about to pull out my razor and kill her but then I hear footsteps on the stairs.

Well no time for her to get out now, without a moments hesitation I pull out my razor and put it to her throat.

She gives me a terrified look, "No please,please." She mumbles.

For some reason I decide to spare her, I don't know why but I feel kind of connected to her.

"Fine." I growl "But get in that chest NOW!" I half-shout at her while pointing at the chest in the corner of the room.

She hesitates. The footsteps grow louder and are almost outside the door. "Now!" She runs over to the chest and jumps in, closing the lid on top of herself.

I sigh. I have barely any time to make myself seem normal before Judge Turpin walks through the door.

He looks round the room quickly and when he doesn't see what he is looking for he shouts at me "WHERE IS SHE?!"

I am confused for a moment and then remember what he is talking about, Johanna. I sent him a letter saying that Johanna would be waiting here but Anthony is not back yet, plus I was not going to give him Johanna anyway. I was going to take this opportunity to kill him.

I can't contain my eagerness to kill him. "No, the boy has not brought her back yet." He starts to interrupt. "But while you wait how about I pamper you sir, surely you would like to look your best when she gets here." I say convincingly

He pauses for a moment while considering "Alright but be quick, she could be here any minute." I smile "Of course sir."

I gesture to my barbers chair "Sit sir, sit." He slowly sits down in the chair

This is it, I think to myself. I am finally going to get my revenge. As long as that idiot Anthony doesn't interrupt me again.

I remove his coat and he takes off his cravat. I chuck them in the corner.

"Lie back." I say and he does.

I take my razor from its holster. Now my friend, we will finally have our revenge.

"How seldom it is one meets a fellow spirit." He says

"With fellow women at least." I whisper, I want him to know who I am before he dies so I will give him subtle hints until he gets it.

"What's that?" He asks, confused.

" The years no doubt have changed me sir, but now I suppose the face of a barber, the face of a prisoner in the dock is not particularly memorable." I say, he has to get it now.

**(This bit is a bit graphic, so skip it if you don't want a description of Judge Turpin's death. It is only brief though)**

I see a look of recognition in his eyes. "Benjamin Barker." He almost whispers in disbelief .

"BENJAMIN BARKER!" I yell and stab him straight in the throat. Immediately blood spurts from the wound, but he is still struggling.

I stab him more violently in the throat again, causing more blood to pour from his neck. He struggles still.

Wow how much does it take to kill this man?

Frustrated, I try my other technique. I put the razor to one side of his neck and drag it across his bloody neck,pushing hard. It rips another cut in his throat, yet more blood drips out and then he finally goes limp.

I stamp on the pedal connected to the chair which sends his body tumbling down through the trapdoor and into the cellar, I throw his coat and cravat after him. The trapdoor closes and I give a smile of satisfaction. I did it, I finally did it. I have finally had my revenge.

**(You can start reading again if you stopped, no more blood in this chapter, promise.)**

I hear a scraping noise, I turn around brandishing my razor but there is no one there. Probably just my imagination, I think to myself.

But then I hear it again, it is coming from the chest in the corner. Oh yeah, I forgot the women was there. "You can come out now." I yell

Immediately the women climbs out of the chest. She looks around the room and at me and gasps.

I look around to see what she is gasping about. There is blood everywhere, all over the floor, on the window and on me.

I smile again. I start to walk towards her but she shrinks away from me. Oh yeah I am still holding my razor at her. I wipe it with a towel to clean the blood off of it and put it back in my holster,to show her that I am not going to hurt her. Yet.

She stops moving away from me, but she is the other side of the room now. I walk towards her again.

I decide that I won't be soft on her because if I am she might not give me answers.

Once she calms down she starts staring at me with disbelief on her face.

"What?" I ask her when she keeps staring.

"You are B..B..B..B." She stutters. I sigh, this is getting boring rapidly.

"Out with it women." I shout

"You are B..Benjamin...B..Barker." She says with shock.

Crap, I was so engrossed in my revenge that I forgot that she was here and could hear everything.

"No I am not, I am Sweeney Todd."

"But you said..." She starts but I cut her off. "Yes I know what I said!" I exclaim angrily. Wow it would have been a lot easier to just kill her.

"That used to be my name." I admit

"I..I..I was married to someone called..Benjamin..Barker." She says.

I am in total shock, could this be Lucy? My wife who I thought was dead.

"Well that is interesting to know, what is your name?" I ask, the only way to find out exactly who she is.

"Well I think my name is Lucy..." "I can't really remember since..." She trails off. "Since?" I ask

"Since...I tried to poison myself 15 years ago." She murmurs while looking at her feet.

I swear my jaw dropped to the ground. It must be her! Or it is just a coincidence? I guess there is only one way to find out.

I slowly move my hand up and pull her hood away from her face. I gasp.


A/N Hi Wattpad readers :) Lol I only say that because this story was published awhile ago on a website called Quotev and I've only just decided to put it on here too so that I'll hopefully have a wider audience. So due to this chapter being written almost a year ago!! the writing might be crappy so please don't ridicule me as I wanted to keep the writing almost the same as it isn't fair on my Quotev readers if I change it so I hope you like it and it will get better hopefully.

Btw on Quotev this is finished and I'm starting a sequel but I'll be posting the chapters on here a few a day so if you want to read ahead then check out my Quotev page which is linked on my profile :)


P.S Please leave feedback as I really appreciate it xx

Don't I know you? (Sweeney Todd fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz