Messed up mind (Chapter 4)

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**Sweeney POV**

I wake up in a bright room, I roll over and I fall on the floor with a bang.

"Ouch!" I exclaim and get up rubbing my head.

Where am I? My parlour is normally dark, and that's how I like it. Plus my bed is wider.

I look around and see that I am in the living room, oh yeah I forgot my shop is covered in blood from the Judge's death last night.I smile to myself at the memory. Then I hear a women yelling. Great, Mrs Lovett probably heard me fall and is coming to investigate what the noise was.

As I expected no less than 30 seconds later Mrs Lovett comes bursting into the room looking panicked. "What happened Mr T? Are you okay?"

I sigh, she over-reacts all the time. "I'm fine." I say while still rubbing my head. "Just forgot where I was,that's all." I admit

She smiles, I can tell that she is holding back laughter. I scowl at her, which immediately wipes the smile from her face.

"I have breakfast ready in the kitchen dear." She says to me. I sigh again, "I'm not hungry." I say

It's her turn to sigh "Come on Mr T, you have to eat." She says

She thinks that I'm just being stubborn, but I'm just never hungry for some reason. Plus I have to find and talk to Lucy today, so I am full of nerves. I think if I tried to eat I would probably throw up.

"No, I'm not hungry." I mumble

I think she finally gets to message that she isn't going to get far and leaves the room, defeated.

I lean back on the coach and close my eyes. I want to try and forget the fact that I am going to see Lucy again later, well if I can find her. Actually I should probably practice what I am going to say to her. No way am I talking to myself in here, where Mrs Lovett could walk in at any moment but I can't go to my parlour as it's covered in blood, I honestly don't mind it but no way would Mrs Lovett let me in that room while it's that messy; she's a clean freak, so she would not let me sit in a room covered with Judge Turpin's blood. Darn. I would like that.

I really want to be back in the dark, lonely parlour. It's where I think best, plus I like the darkness. Well Mrs Lovett said that she would clean it last night, but I told her to go to bed. I don't know why I said that cause if she had cleaned it last night then I could be in there right now.

Angry at myself, I march into the kitchen where I think she will be, so I can ask her to clean my parlour soon. I spot her immediately, she is sitting at one of the booths eating breakfast. She also spots me as soon as I walk in and she blushes. Urgh, why does she always blush around me it is really annoying.

"Mrs Lovett could you clean my shop soon." I ask her "Please." I add.

WAIT WHAT?! I never say please, to anyone! I guess it just slipped out, but it can't be from habit. No no no! I never ever say it especially not to her.

I look at the ground. I can tell that Mrs Lovett is smiling her face off right now, I look up so I can scowl at her to shut her up but she is just staring at me shocked. I am pretty shocked myself.

But she manages to shake off the shock long enough to answer me "Of course dear, I will do it right now."

I decide that I've already said enough stupid things today, so I keep my mouth shut and simply nod.

She puts her empty plate in the sink and grabs a bucket, mop and a rag. She then starts to walk towards the door.

Before I can stop myself I ask "Do you want some help?" I immediately regret it, internally slapping myself. What is wrong with me today?!!

I guess I am so nervous about Lucy that my mind is messed up and I keep saying stupid things.

She turns around and smiles at me before I look at my feet again. "No I'm fine dear, unless you want to help me?" She asks hopefully.

I don't trust myself to speak so I just shake my head. Her smile immediately drops. "Oh ok, well help yourself to some gin while you wait." And she walks out of the shop.

I immediately brighten at the thought of gin. I love gin, me and Lucy used to love drinking it together.

My heart sinks at the thought of Lucy. I shake my head to shake the nerves and walk over to the kitchen.I take the bottle of gin from the shelf near the oven and a shot glass and then walk back over to the booth where Mrs Lovett was sat and sit down, pouring myself a glass of gin.

I down it in one go and instantly I am flooded with warmth. I close my eyes and my mind wanders to memories of Lucy.

At the thought of Lucy I feel panicked again and I open my eyes again. The warmth and relaxation from moment ago having vanished.

Why am I freaking out so much about Lucy, she is my wife after all but she doesn't know she is yet.

I pull my razor out of my holster and start absentmindedly playing with just to take my mind off of things. Flicking it open and closing it again. After a few minutes I realise that if I do this for any longer I'll drive myself crazy, so I put it back in its holster and I pour myself another glass of gin.

I drink it quickly and close my eyes, feeling the warmth flood through me. I manage to push all thoughts of Lucy to the back of my mind and I somehow fall asleep.

Don't I know you? (Sweeney Todd fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora