Growing Stronger (Chapter 36)

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  **Nellie POV**

I feel bad for having to leave Sweeney alone after his small breakdown but I did promise Danny that I would get him some things as he has no belongings except the clothes on his back-which are dirty and worn-and his toy dog.

I close the door of the living room behind me, leaving Sweeney in there as I don't think that he would want Danny or anyone else to see him like that before he has fully calmed down.

When I turn to face him I notice that Danny has finished his breakfast and has washed his plate up for me.

I smile "Thanks Danny, that was very helpful of you." I praise him and he smiles at me.

"It's no problem Mrs Lovett, it's the least I could do." He replies kindly and I smile more, knowing that we're definitely going to get along.

I grab my bag from the side and put my coat on "Alright Danny, lets get you some clothes." I announce and his face lights up.

I've noticed that it seems like it doesn't take much to make Danny happy,as when I do simple things for him like giving him dinner, he looks like I just gave him a diamond or something. But I guess that due to him living in the workhouse, he doesn't take these things for granted like I do.

I smile back "Lets go then." I say and he jumps up from the booth eagerly.

"Okay." He says and then follows me out the shop door.

**Sweeney POV**

I hear the shop door close and I lie back on the sofa and sigh.

I feel ashamed for breaking down just now in front of Nellie like that, but for some reason she was in fact encouraging me to just let my emotions out-which I don't do very often- so I don't think she is going to judge me.But I must admit that I feel a lot better after crying,but I don't think I'll be doing it again in front of her because it also made me feel quite awkward and weak, which are two emotions that I despise.

I rub my eyes as they sting slightly from how much I was crying and I start thinking back on what just happened.I swear that I heard the door open when I was crying but I can't be sure,I might just be being paranoid as usual.

I try to quickly direct my mind to something else before I get embarrassed by thinking too much about how pathetically I just acted.And to my surprise, it goes straight to Nellie.

I smile a little to myself as my mind wanders and I think about how pretty she is.

Recently my feelings for her have inexplicably started getting stronger and I am finding it harder to hide them;I hope that she didn't notice how much I enjoyed being close to her and her kissing me.

I raise my hand to the spot on my cheek where she kissed me and I smile to myself.

(Two hours later)

I start to get a little concerned as Nellie hasn't come back yet,but I tell myself not to worry because she told me that she was going into town with Danny to get him some things so she should be back soon and I think my concern is mostly just me trying to hide the fact that I am missing her, not because I'm afraid she's hurt or something.

I finally hear the front door open and I instantly stand up and rush into the kitchen and I see Nellie struggling through the door with lots of bags. 

I walk over to her and take them from her to help her and she smiles at me "Thank you love." She says and I feel my heart beat faster as she calls me love but I try to keep a blank expression.

"It's alright." I reply as I place them down on the counter.

I spot Daniel behind her, smiling widely as he walks into the shop and I feel my heart sink a little when I look at him as I get reminded of Johanna, but I avert my eyes quickly so that I don't get emotional again.

**Nellie POV**

I found it kind of Sweeney to help me carry the bags into the shop and it made me feel more certain that he likes me as he usually isn't kind like that. But I could just be assuming things because I want him to like me so badly.

Shopping with Danny was a really nice experience and I am glad that I didn't make Sweeney come along as he would have without a doubt gotten bored and cranky, as we took a lot longer than I thought we would but we did have to get a lot of things.

I had to buy a lot of things for him, including some pairs of pyjamas, some new clothes, some toiletries like a toothbrush and a new picture book-as he seems to like reading.I also got something for Sweeney but I decide to show him when Danny isn't around so that I don't accidentally embarrass him in front of Danny, and I find the opportunity to as Danny soon excuses himself to go to the bathroom.

He heads upstairs and I grab one of the bags on the counter and walk over to the booth that Sweeney has sat himself at, glad that he isn't hiding away in his shop like usual.

He looks at me curiously as I place the bag on the table at the booth. "What's that?" He asks, trying to peer into the bag.

I smirk and move it away from him, knowing that he wants to know what it is but I want to show him myself.I then pull out a pair of black and red checked pyjamas and hand them to him.

He looks at them curiously with a blank face. I wait anxiously for his reaction.

He then starts chuckling and I smile a bit too "What's so funny?" I ask him and he stops laughing.

"Nothing. It's just..I've never really had pyjamas before." He admits.

I can tell that he is a little uncomfortable at the idea of wearing them so I decide to encourage him "I'm sure you will look very fetching in them." I partially tease with a grin as I see I've made his face go pink.

He chuckles again "I guess,well thank you." He says as he looks at them "And they're my favorite colours." He adds 

 "How did you guess?" He teases as it is obvious what his favorite colours are. Well to me anyway.

"Lucky guess?" I joke and he grins before folding them up and putting them into the bag.

Luckily he put them away when he did, as Danny returns moments later andI give him a small smile as he sits next to Sweeney at the booth.

I can see the slightly uncomfortable look appear on Sweeney's face when Danny sits next to him and it doesn't surprise me when he quickly announces that he is going upstairs to open his shop.

I don't bother mentioning the fact that he probably won't get many customers at this time of day, as I know that he is just saying that to get away from Danny.

But his plan backfires slightly when I unexpectedly hear Danny ask "Can I come too sir?"
"I've always wanted to see what barbers do." He adds with a irresistibly cute smile directed to Sweeney.

I see the hesitance on Sweeney's face but to my surprise, he agrees. "Alright lad." He says and stands up, Danny standing up and following him to the door. 

I see Sweeney mouth 'help me' to me over his shoulder as he leaves and I chuckle. But I know he is only joking as Danny can't be that bad.

Can he?

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