Leaving the Past behind (Chapter 24)

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  **Sweeney POV**

Before I enter the pie shop, I make sure that I look like I don't want to give up on Lucy,so I pinch my arm tightly to make my eyes water up and try to conjure up sad memories so that I will have a realistic sad expression.

I then walk through the front door with my head down. 

Nellie sees my expression "What's wrong love?" She asks and sits me at a booth.

I sigh heavily,something which I am very good at.

"Well I've been thinking and I think...." I trail off to make it seem like it's a hard decision for me to make. 

Nellie pats my shoulder encouragingly and I savor her warm touch. "Go on dear." She says softly.

I look away from her "I think..I should give up on Lucy." I eventually say and let out a grieving sigh.

Nellie tries to look sad for me but inside I can tell that she is overjoyed, now that she can have me to herself.And that's what I intend to happen.

"But." I start "I don't know how to tell her, I can't just tell her that I'm giving up or she'll be heart broken." I explain, telling her my predicament.

She looks deep in thought for a moment "Well she seems to not be able to remember things very well..so maybe if you go to see her but dressed as yourself then you can tell her that you know Benjamin and say that he has moved away or something." She suggests.
I love the idea and I really want to embrace her again, I see this opportunity as an excuse so I pull her to her feet and hold her close to me.

She rests her head on my shoulder "That's a great idea Nellie." I tell her and smile.

She smiles back "Thanks." She says shyly and I spin her around, starting to dance with her round the room.We dance in sync around the shop until someone walks into the pie shop, interrupting our dance.

I groan in frustration. Why are people always interrupting us?

Nellie reluctantly lets go of my shoulders and walks over to the customer and starts serving them.I sit back down at my booth, not feeling like leaving yet.

She serves them and then they leave, leaving us alone again.

Nellie then sits next to me and we continue our conversation "So if you tell her that Ben has moved away or something like that, then she should move on." She tells me but I have a problem with her idea.

"But I don't want her to be living on the streets still." I point out. "I don't want anything bad to happen to her." I add in a worried voice,showing that I do still care about her and always will no matter how much I love Nellie.

Nellie looks thoughtful and then suddenly has an idea "My friend who lives near the town lives on her own and she has a kind heart,so I reckon she would let Lucy stay with her." She explains excitedly.

I smile, finding her idea perfect "I can go ask her if it's okay and then after you have told Lucy about Ben moving away, then you or me can tell her about living with my friend." She tells me.

"Nellie you have the best ideas." I tell her while beaming at her.

She smiles too and I really want to kiss her, but now really is not the time. So I just smile and look at her, knowing that soon we can be together.

It is getting sort of late so I decide to go see Lucy before it starts to get dark.

"I..I'm going to go see Lucy now." I tell Nellie, a hint of nervousness in my voice.

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