Not like me (Chapter 7)

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**Sweeney POV**

She said it! She believes me!

I have to use all of my self control to stop myself from hugging her as tight as I can. I am so relieved and happy. I can't remember the last time I was so happy. Even killing the judge didn't make me this happy.

After Lucy said those three words, "I believe you." She said bye, I did too and she left. I didn't feel like leaving yet though so I leant against the tree trunk and closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on my pale face.

**Mrs Lovett POV**

It has been two hours since Mr Todd went upstairs to 'serve' the customer, and I am getting slightly worried.

Usually he comes down about half an hour later with another bloody shirt for me to wash.

What if the customer escaped and got the police? What if Mr T is now on his way back to jail?

A thousand possibilities of what could have happened to Mr T run through my head. After about two minutes of racing thoughts, I decide that I can't take it anymore.

I quickly walk out of my shop and up the stairs to Mr T's shop. I burst in and look around. It is empty.

The room is exactly the same as it was earlier, except that now there is a shirt with bloody sleeves hanging on the barber's chair.

I smile to myself well I guess he 'took care' of the customer. Well where could he be then? I walk around the room looking for any clues as to where he is.

I can't see anything until I reach his dresser. The picture of Lucy and Johanna that he normally keeps there is gone. Maybe he has finally gotten over her and threw it out, I think hopefully to myself.

Don't be stupid! Of course we won't have gotten over her yet. He just discovered that she is alive, and I am pretty sure that's where he is now.

Talking to Lucy, trying to sort things out. Well I wish him luck with that but I doubt that he will get very far. Lucy's mind is very messed up, it's very unlikely that she will ever be the same women that Mr Todd fell in love with years ago.

I feel angered and jealous at the thought of Lucy. She doesn't deserve him! Did she wait 15 years for him to come back, did she never give up on him? No. She gave up almost straight away, and she didn't think about the impact on others if she poisoned herself. She didn't think about Mr T, her friends. Not even her own baby daughter. It is her fault that Mr T is so upset with the world, and that Johanna had to grow up held captive by a creepy old man who treated her like a pet.

Yet he doesn't know that. He is so love struck that he doesn't think about the fact that I have cared about him more than Lucy ever did or will.

I sigh and decide to wash his shirt for him and then I will just have to wait for him to return.

**Sweeney POV**

I wake up to something cold and wet dripping on my face. I open my eyes to see that I am still in the park where I was talking to Lucy but now it is raining heavily.

Oh yeah talking to Lucy! My mood lifts immensely. And she believes me! I feel a huge smile spreading across my face, this is the first time I have properly smiled in years.

The park is deserted. It is also quite dark which indicates that it is getting late.

Crap! How long was I asleep for?

I rub my eyes and stand up. It's hammering it down with rain, I sigh. Typical London. But even the rain doesn't dampen my happy mood.

I'm not overly wet as I'm under a large tree but I know that I'll get soaked the minute I move from under this tree.

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