Love sick (Chapter 12)

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**Sweeney POV**

I cannot believe it.... I swore to myself that I would never stop loving Lucy.

Well technically I never stopped loving her, I just started...NO! This is not love.No! I am just a bit confused about my feelings at the moment. Yes, this will soon pass. And Lucy will remember me and we will live happily ever after. Well as happily as we can without Johanna.

I completely forgot that Mrs Lovett was still in front of me, she is waving a hand in front of my face "Mr Todd. Are you alright?"

I snap out of my thoughts. "Yeah fine." I murmur "Just feelin' a bit odd."

A worried look grows on her face "I hope it wasn't those eggs this morning." She says quietly, once again worrying about me.

I interrupt her before she can worry more "No, I'm sure it's nothing. Lets go back inside." I say quickly and get to my feet slowly before walking back into the shop. Mrs Lovett follows me. I sit back down at my usual table and grab my glass of gin which Mrs Lovett has refilled. I am about to take another sip of it when Mrs Lovett says "Maybe you should lay off the gin dear, just for a while."

She really thinks that I am feeling ill. I wish I hadn't said anything now.

I decide that I should act as my usual self so that Mrs Lovett doesn't suspect anything. "No." I snap and take a big gulp just to prove her wrong.

I wish that I hadn't because now my stomach is playing up; it feels really weird and jumpy. I guess this is what they call butterflies but to me it doesn't feel like butterflies. More like bees and I don't like the feeling. I quickly decide that I might go back upstairs soon, I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Mrs Lovett once again interrupts my thoughts "Well anyway. Mr T do you want to know who the filling of this pie is?" She asks and raises her eyebrows.

Woah that is attractive. My heart starts thumping wildly again. Dammit I thought I got that under control.

I try to ignore my thumping heart and answer Mrs Lovett "Who?"

She smirks mischievously. God that is hot, brain shut up! These feelings will pass just ignore them.

 I must have just been staring at Mrs Lovett whilst I was having my internal debate because she is looking at me worriedly "Mr T are you alright?"

I blink, "Yeah i'm fine. Anyway who is it?" I want to know who it is that Mrs Lovett is so excited about.

She smiles again, my heart beats faster. "Judge Turpin."

I smile  "Well I think I might need to see how he tastes." I reply devilishly

An evil grin spreads across my face as she hands me a golden brown pie on a plate. Oh now this will be good. The ultimate revenge is complete.

I take a huge bite and I taste something slightly bitter, well he definitely wasn't sweet, I internally laugh at my own bad joke. But suddenly the thought of eating another human being repulses me. I don't know why, I liked the idea before and this is the ultimate way to get back at my nemesis. But suddenly the idea becomes horrid to me and I almost feel worried about Mrs Lovett for even coming up with that idea.

The thought of eating a person, let alone Judge Turpin, and the taste is over powering and it's really hard not to spit it out due to the awful taste in my mouth. I would but I don't want to hurt Mrs Lovett's feelings, especially after I spat out the first pie she gave me when I first returned. But those pies really were disgusting.

The taste in my mouth, the thought in my head and my uneasy stomach is making me feel really sick and I feel my pale face go even paler.

"So how is it dear?" Mrs Lovett asks. I simply fake a smile and she smiles back.

She is about to come and sit next to me when I feel really nauseous. I just make a motion to her that shows that I am going upstairs as if she knew that I felt sick she would worry about me being ill when I know for a fact that I'm not ill.

She just nods and I race out the door. I feel bile rising in my throat and quickly look around, not wanting to throw up on the pavement and I soon see a bush near the back of the shop and out of sight of the street. I hurry over to it and lean over, throwing up behind it. I feel so awful.

 Once I'm finished I bolt upstairs and slam the door shut behind me before Mrs Lovett can see me. I run my hands through my hair, my heart still pounding and my breathing quick.

I guess this is what it is like to be love sick.

A/N Yes short again I know..please don't shoot me! I wrote this on Halloween which was why I didn't go into much detail because I was busy obviously ;)

But the next chapter is longer and contains some cute Sweenett moments so look forward to that <3

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