How long? (Chapter 29)

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**Sweeney POV**

I start to feel bored, just having to lie here with nothing to do and as well as feeling bored I oddly feel a bit empty inside, almost like I am actually missing Nellie;but if I love her-like I've told myself- then it should be normal so I try not to get too concerned about it.

My eyes then flicker to the many books stacked up on the table in the corner of the room as I search for something to ease my boredom.

I sigh, I don't like reading but if I have nothing else to do then it's my only option.

I try and sit myself up and manage to,without too much pain,but when I stand up...It's a different story.

I grit my teeth to stop a scream of pain escaping my mouth so that I don't scare the customers. But a quiet groan escapes my lips as I collapse back onto the sofa again.

Then because I'm determined and stubborn I try again, and this time my frustration overpowers the pain and I manage to get to my feet in silence.

Once I stand I now have to make it to the other side of the room.

I keep my mouth clamped shut as I take a feeble step forward. I suddenly feel dizzy and everything whirls around me as I take another step, trying hard to keep my balance.

Then I suddenly run towards the table as fast as I can, trying to get this over and done with as soon as possible.I grab two books from the pile and stagger back to the sofa.

Then once I've safely sitting down again I let out a sigh and sink back into the sofa and wait for my head to stop spinning.

Once I feel a bit better-although now a bit nauseous- I glance at the books that I grabbed.

The first book is a romance novel.

I groan, why does Nellie have to read this trash?I put it to the side, definitely not wanting to read that.

The second one is a book about a sailor. It looks okay but once I read the first page, it has started to summon memories from all the time I spent on the sea and on beaches in Australia.The memories of Australia only make me feel sicker, so I quickly put it at the other side of the sofa.

I sigh once more and slowly pick up the romance novel,reluctantly flicking to the first page.

But the hand-written words that meet my eyes make me feel uneasy.

On the blank page before the beginning of the book is written:

Nellie Lovett

(A drawing of a heart)
Benjamin Barker (Crossed out)
Sweeney Todd

The thing that makes me uneasy is not the fact that she has written my name in a book, it's that my old name Benjamin Barker was written there previously but it is now crossed out, with my current name Sweeney Todd written underneath.The name Benjamin also looks quite faded, so I can tell that it was written quite a while ago.

It makes me feel a bit odd inside, because this is solid proof that she has loved me for a long time and it makes me smile a little as it makes me feel special, and because it's cute the way she wrote our names with a heart between them, like a teenage girl with a crush.

I debate whether or not to let Mrs Lovett know that I found it and tease her. But I don't want to make things more awkward between us, so I decide to leave it alone for now. But maybe I'll leave the book open on that page so she knows I saw it just to wind her up a little.

I push the odd note to the back of my mind as I open it to the first page before I yawn and start to read.

**Nellie POV**

I collapse at a booth after the last customer leaves;the lunch rush was very busy and I am exhausted.

I sit there for a minute but eventually drag myself to my feet, putting the sign on the door of the shop to closed-as I can't deal with anymore customers right now.

I trudge over to the living room and quietly open the door, expecting Sweeney to be asleep.

But instead he is sat there reading a book and to my greater surprise when I look closely I see that it is one of my romance novels.

I hold back a laugh as I see that he hasn't noticed me yet and is still reading the book intently.

I smile to myself, he looks so cute when he is reading;his brow furrowed in concentration.
I almost don't want to interrupt him because he looks like he is enjoying himself so I stay quiet and watch from the doorway for awhile.

Eventually I get tired of standing and I decide to let my presence be known "Enjoying your book Mr Todd?" I ask with a knowing grin, taking this opportunity to tease him.

His face turns pink and he puts the book down,trying to pretend that he wasn't reading.
"What book?" He asks casually before quickly hiding the book behind a pillow.

I giggle quietly and sit next to him, how stupid does he think I am?

I pull the book out from behind the pillow and look at it, confirming my suspicions that it was a romance book.

I hold it out to him teasingly "So tell me, when did you get into romance books?" I tease and he blushes again and looks away.

"I was bored, I can't do anything else." He complains under his breath in defense and snatches the book back.He then starts to flick through the book,obviously trying to find where he left off.

But it seems that he is looking for something else as he flicks back to the beginning of the book and then holds it out to me. "Care to explain this?" He asks with a smirk.

I feel dread in my stomach. If he is smirking then it's likely that this isn't good news for me.I shakily take the book and look at the page.

When I see what it is I feel mortified.

It is my name and Sweeney's name written with a heart between them.

I feel myself grow hot "Um....well..." I trail off, although I don't know why I don't want to admit that I wrote it, he already knows that I love him.

He smirks, having known that he succeeded in making me uncomfortable but thankfully he drops the subject.

I hand him the book back and he flips back to a page near the middle of the book; he must be enjoying the book if he read it that quickly.

"It's actually not that bad." Sweeney comments as he starts to read the page;his dark eyes darting back and forth, confirming my suspicions that he is in fact enjoying it.

I watch him absorbed in the book. I think it's cute that he is reading books now because it gives him something to do other than brood all day.

"I think it's nice that you're reading." I tell him, not mentioning that I find him cute as I have a feeling that it wouldn't go down well with him.

I then feel something hard underneath me and I stand up to see that I was sitting on a book.
I look at it and see that it is about the sea and a sailor.

I quickly come to the conclusion that Sweeney must have picked up that up as well but I have a feeling that he can't think about the sea and sailors the same way again after what happened to him in Australia all those years ago,so instead I pick it up and sit back down next to him and I start to read and for the next hour or so we read next to each other in silence.

A/N Aww a cute short fluffy chapter ^_^

Just what we needed after all the feels, but unfortunately this won't last long, sorry guys but I know you like your drama too ;) But also there will be the introduction of a new character in three chapters time and I hope that you guys will like..them ;) hehe no spoilers and MockingjayMagic21 don't tell anyone because you already know ;)

Okay well two chapters in one day, yay! Hope you all enjoyed and please continue to leave your lovely comments because they make me happy :)

Bye! xxx

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