I Love You Nellie (Chapter 42)

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  **Nellie POV**

I stretch and yawn as I slowly wake up.

Due to still being half asleep it takes me awhile to remember what happened last night, but when I feel a strong arm round my waist I remember.

I look up and see Sweeney fast asleep with his arms around me.I grin at him, my body filling with a warm, fuzzy feeling which I love. 

I gently start to stroke Sweeney's cheek which causes him to start to wake up and I swear that I hear him giggle cutely as he gently bats my hand away but his mood soon changes once he properly wakes up.

I can tell he's fully awake by the way that he suddenly stiffens up and his cheeks go a bright red colour as he stares at me.

"Sweeney?" I ask him, feeling confused.

Then suddenly he untangles himself from me before darting from the room.I stare after him sadly. He really is the most confusing man I've ever met, I thought he'd changed because he wanted to sleep with me last night but he just literally ran away, seeming to be embarrassed by sleeping with me which really hurts.

I still don't know how he feels about me and it makes me feel quite sad, so whilst I think more and more about Sweeney the sadder I get until there are tears running down my cheeks.

"I love you Sweeney. Don't you love me?" I whisper through my tears.

**Sweeney POV**

I slam my shop door shut and growl angrily to myself in frustration, gripping my hair as I pace round the room. 

"Why can't you get your feelings straight you coward?!" I shout at myself before kicking the wall in frustration, extremely angry at myself for just running away from Nellie even though I really enjoyed being in her arms, I must be giving her really bad mixed signals. I've never been good at communicating my feelings to other people.

I then hear the door to the shop open and I wipe my face of emotion as I assume that it might be Nellie but then I hear a young boy's voice call "Sir?"

I stop pacing and slump into my barbers chair with a deep sigh as I look up, seeing Daniel stood there with a worried look on his face.

"What do you want boy?" I snap and he backs away from me a little.

"I..I was just coming to see if you were okay... Cause Mrs Lovett is crying so I thought you two might have had a fight." He explains nervously and I feel my heart sink.

I made her cry again..god I'm an awful person.

I get to my feet and start to pace around the room again, becoming more and more frustrated until I suddenly can't contain my feelings anymore and they come bursting out of me.

"I love Mrs Lovett!" I blurt out,staring at the floor before daring a glance up at Daniel, seeing a smirk on his face which causes me to assume a deep shade of red.

"I knew you liked her." He says as cockily as he dares.

I blush even darker and sit back down in my barbers chair with a soft sigh,hiding my face in my hands.

Daniel walks over to me and looks at me like I'm stupid. "But if you like her then why don't you tell her? She obviously likes you." He says which makes me smile a bit at his innocence and I slowly remove my hands from my face.

"Lad it isn't that easy..." I start and rest my head on the back of the chair with a frown, feeling exasperated.

"Why not?" Daniel asks and sits on his usual stool next to my chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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