Who do I love? (Chapter 21)

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**Sweeney POV**

I can't believe I never saw it before now.

Now that I think of it, there were so many signs that it was almost obvious.
I think of all the times that Mrs Lovett was trying to get my attention or showed affection towards me.
She has always been nice to me but I just thought that it was just her personality because she is nice to everyone.

I guess it also explains why she has put up with me all these years, because she loved me.

It explains a lot, including why she had a picture of me in her room. She probably kept my cravat for the same reason.

I ponder all the ways in which she has treated me specially for a while, until Mrs Lovett herself walks through the door.

She giggles slightly seeing me sitting on the floor. I give her a small glare and stand up, brushing myself down;I feel really uncomfortable around her since my realization a few minutes ago.
She seems a little awkward around me too but not for the same reason.

"Um...Mr T...sorry about earlier." She murmurs while avoiding my gaze "I shouldn't have burst in like that." She says guiltily.

I can tell that she is truly sorry so I decide not to hold a grudge against her for it "It's fine." I say but with a bit more enthusiasm in my voice that usual so she know I am sincere.

She gives me a small smile which I reluctantly return.

I try to avoid her eyes though, as I don't want her to think that I am still not annoyed even though I'm not angry about it.

I can't think of anything to say to her. I don't want to question her about her love for me because that would just be really awkward. Plus I don't have any real evidence so she can just deny it.

Thankfully as usual Mrs Lovett breaks the silence "So Lucy recognized you, even though you weren't dressed like Benjamin." She says with a smile.

I can't believe I didn't notice that!

When I got back I changed back into my usual clothing as I was not really a fan of my old clothes;they creeped me out slightly. "Yeah."I say with a small smile. She did recognize me but now that I was ignoring her she might not want to talk to me again.

My smile is replaced with a frown.

"What's wrong about that Mr T?" Mrs Lovett asks.

I just sigh and walk over to the barber chair "I was just a bit.....lost in my thoughts and kind of ignored her so she probably won't want to speak to me again." I explain and sigh again.

Why am I so hopeless with women?

Mrs Lovett smiles reassuringly "I'm sure she won't be able to resist you love." She says which makes me blush slightly.
I get up and walk behind the chair and turn my back on her so she can't see that her comment made me happy and embarrassed.

I mess around with things on my desk, trying to ignore her but I take a glance in the mirror hanging above the dresser and she is still standing there. Looking as beautiful as always.

I don't know what to think anymore. Ever since that day when Mrs Lovett was comforting me after the disaster with Lucy I have felt something towards her. But I have ignored it because I still love Lucy. But now it feels even more prominent than ever.

I turn around to face her and she smiles "Alright love?" She asks and suddenly I decide what I want to do.

I walk up to her and kiss her.

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