Jealous? (Chapter 30)

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  **Nellie POV**

I look up from my book after about an hour or so and see that Sweeney has dozed off.

I smile softly, he seems to be always sleeping today and he looks quite cute.

I know I should let him sleep off his injury but he can't sleep all day, plus from the position he is in his neck is going to hurt if he stays in it much longer so I gently pry the book from his surprisingly tight grip and put it to the side, folding down the page where his finger is; signalling that that was where he left off. Just in case he wants to continue reading it at any point, before I  gently shake his shoulder "Sweeney, wake up love." I say softly as he starts to wake up.

He slowly opens his dark eyes and looks at me, his gaze slightly angry.I back away a bit, worried that he's angry at me for waking him up.He groans as he moves out of his position curled up to a sitting one. He then rubs his eyes "Why did you wake me up?" He mumbles sleepily and looks outside, seeming to expect it to be early but it's actually about 5pm and getting slightly dark outside.

He yawns and I smile at how cute he looks when he is tired "Answer me." He says a bit louder and my smile fades as he gives me a mad look.

I shuffle away again "Sorry but you can't sleep all day love." I say quietly and nervously with a small smile, hoping that he will find it funny like a joke rather than get mad at me.

His gaze softens a bit "Alright." He replies and then starts looking around frantically for something.

I feel a smirk grow on my face as I realize what he is looking for. I hold up the book teasingly "Looking for this?" I ask as his eyes land on it.

He looks slightly embarrassed but admits that he was and holds out his hand for it and I hand it to him.He takes it and is glad to see that I folded the page over for him. "Thanks." He says quietly as he starts to read again.

"You really like that book don't you?" I ask him and his eyes flicker momentarily from the page to me.

"I guess." He replies and I take a quick look over his shoulder to see whereabouts he's at in the book out of curiosity.

I have read the book before so I quickly recognize it as the bit before the main character admits her love to the man she loves and I feel myself blush slightly as I just did that to him. "I'm going to cook dinner." I call over my shoulder as I get up suddenly and start to walk towards the door. This is true cause it is getting to dinner time but I also don't want to see the look on Sweeney's face when he gets to that part just in case it makes him think more about what I said earlier and it'd be embarrassing for him to start questioning me about it so I just decided to get out of there before he does.

**Sweeney POV**

I just nod slightly when Nellie announce that she is going to go make dinner,not thinking much about it and I am starting to feel hungry, especially after all that has happened today.

I then continue to read the romance book, actually finding it interesting.I have a fleeting thought that maybe I could use this book for tips on how to be more romantic, but I think that Nellie has read this book by the sound of it. So she would probably know if I did things like in that book, which would makes things awkward.

I decide to take note of them though as I continue to read, getting to a bit where the main character finally admits her love to her lover.

I sigh, how long does it take? I think to myself, then push that thought away when I realize that I am actually hesitating to tell Nellie about my feelings just like the character. So I shouldn't criticize them.
I then start to smell something really good and without thinking about my injury, I put the book down and get up quickly before groaning when my neck starts to hurt again and I take a small step forwards, stumbling slightly.

**Nellie POV**

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