Opening up (Chapter 27)

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**Sweeney POV**

I wake feeling really cold.

I look down and see that my chest is bare and the horrific events from earlier whirl through my head.I burrow my head into the pillows to try and get back to sleep so I don't have to deal with the after effects of the stupid thing I did, but I can't.

I think I owe Nellie an apology and explanation...preferably once I have a shirt on.

I gingerly sit myself up,wincing in pain and scan the room to see Nellie sat in an armchair next to me, watching me.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I ask suspiciously and she looks at the ground.

"Um..well I wanted to make sure that you were okay and comfy." She replies and gives me a weak smile.

I give her a small smile back, this women is a bloody wonder.

"Um....I want to talk to you." I say hesitantly, deciding that as I am in a relatively good mood right now then I should get it over with.

Although with this injury, it seems that I won't be able to storm off to my shop if I get mad,or can't handle my emotions which makes me worry.Damn, I am regretting this more and more.

"Well I'm here now." She points out and turns towards me to show me that she is ready to talk.

But I'm not cause I don't feel comfortable with her staring at me while I don't have a shirt on.
I pull the jacket over more of my bare chest "Um...can I have my shirt back first?" I ask shyly.

She blushes and looks away "Of course love, I will go see if it's dry." She says and walks over to the room that I remember as the laundry room, from that fateful night a few nights ago where all I came in for was to get my clothes but I ended up falling in love instead.

Wow, that is a scary thought.

I realize that if I hadn't come down then I would have ended up killing Nellie when I found out about the Lucy lie due to feeling nothing towards her but hate before. Plus this afternoon I would have killed myself, as she wouldn't be there to stop me.

But I might not have came to that cause I wouldn't give up on Lucy.

I shake my head and bury my face in a pillow to stop these horrid thoughts. All I should think is that things have turned out how they have turned out and I should be grateful that they turned out the way they did.

"Alright love?" I hear Nellie ask and I raise my head to see her standing there with my shirt and a concerned expression on her face.
I sigh, for once I don't say that I'm fine cause it's too obvious that I'm not. I just shake my head and take my shirt from her.

"Oh love." She says pityingly and gently touches my shoulder, I flinch at her cold hand on my warm, bare shoulder.

"Sorry, cold hands." She jokes to relieve the awkwardness and quickly removes her hand.

I then sit up and push the jacket off of me so I can put my shirt back on,but once I lift my arm I feel pain shoot through me and I put my arm down again,eyes misted up from pain.

More regret flows through me at my terrible decision and I put the shirt down,annoyed because now I can't even dress myself.

I sigh and reluctantly hand Nellie the shirt "Can you do it?" I ask quietly and of course she agrees.

"Of course love."She says and gets me to stand up so she can put it on.

But I have been sitting down for so long that I am feeling light headed and that coupled with the blood loss is not good so when I stand up the first time, I almost faint.

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