Notes (Chapter 9)

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**Sweeney POV**

I wake up in my barber's chair in my shop; it is really cold.I realize that I am shivering and look around to see if the window is open. It isn't but the door is.

I walk over to it and close it again. I wonder how it opened, I swear I closed it last night.

Also I remember that I never put on my dry clothes, so I am still wearing my damp ones.I grumble to myself as I replace my damp clothes with some dry ones, starting to warm up again.

I am still trying to figure out why my door was open when I spot a note on the dresser. I walk over to it and pick it up.

I instantly recognize Mrs Lovett's handwriting:

Mr T,

I am sorry if I made you feel awkward last night. You don't have to talk to me about it if you don't want to.

I would not want to get in the way of you and Lucy's relationship, so I think we should just pretend that last night never happened.

It would be for the best.

Mrs Lovett xxx

I am confused for a moment but then everything that happened last night comes rushing back to me.

Caring about her,putting my arm round her. The kiss.

I shake my head and try to ignore the images from last night forcing their way into my head.

I think what Mrs Lovett said is a good idea, to pretend that it never happened. Because otherwise things would get very awkward between us. But the bit about Lucy I don't understand. Does she really feel that she is getting in the way of me and Lucy's relationship?

I decide that I would rather not confront her about the note right now, so I write her a note:

Mrs Lovett,

Yes I agree that we should ignore the events from last night.

But I can assure you that you are not getting in between me and Lucy's relationship.

I hope I didn't make you feel that you were.

Mr T

I will leave the note somewhere where she will find it and then go into town to maybe try and find Lucy again.

I put my jacket on which is slightly damp still but not too much and walk out of my shop and down the steps.I hesitate outside the shop door, then tell myself not to be stupid and I walk inside.

I walk around trying to stay quiet as I would rather not encounter Mrs Lovett right now. I hunt for somewhere to put the note where I know she will find it. I spot the counter where she makes pies and settle upon putting it there. But as I am placing it on the counter I hear someone come into the room. Great Mrs Lovett is here.

I feel my cheeks warm as she walks closer to me. Why am I blushing?

I look at the floor as she approaches, "Morning Mr T." She says in her usual chirpy tone.

"Morning." I say back.

"So what are you doing down here so early?" She asks.

Great, now I need to think of something. "I..I came for some breakfast."

What?! Why did I say that? Now I have to spend more time with her, just talking to her now is making me uncomfortable.

"Great." She says with a smile "I will go get you some." And she walks out of the room

I sigh and sit at a booth, putting my head in my hands. I feel that my face is hot, fantastic now as well as sounding like an idiot I look like one too.

I look up when I hear her come back in. "Here you are dear." She says and places a steaming plate of eggs and toast in front of me.

She also puts down a mug of something. I eye it. "What it that?" I ask

"Ale, I thought that gin might be too strong first thing this morning." She announces.

"Thanks." I mumble

"You are very welcome dear." She replies

Please don't sit next to me, please don't sit next to me, I pray in my head. Thankfully she leaves the room and goes upstairs.

I breath a sigh of relief. Well now she is gone but I now have food that I have to eat. It does smell really good, and I haven't eaten a proper meal in days. I tuck in, I don't realize it but I am eating like an animal, I must really be hungry.

After I finish I leave the plate on the counter, take a big swig of ale and leave the shop, feeling better with a full stomach for once. I start to think about Mrs Lovett as I walk, glad that at least she didn't see me putting the note on the counter;I don't want her thinking of me as a coward for not confronting her directly and leaving her a note instead.

I head towards town, whistling to myself.

I can't wait to see Lucy again.

A/N Yes I know another short chapter. Booo!

But the next one is long and will be very feelsy (That's a word now)

Thanks so much for all the nice feedback I've been getting, I really appreciate it :)


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