Goodbye to the Past (Chapter 35)

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  **Sweeney POV**

My smile remains on my face as I walk down the street, and remains throughout the walk to town as I think about when Nellie kissed me this morning,but it soon fades as I spot the back of Lucy up ahead.

I stop walking and actually turn to walk back home because of how suddenly afraid I am, but I force myself to continue walking.

'Stop being pathetic' I tell myself in my head as I play nervously with the piece of paper in my pocket that Nellie gave me.

I reach her and hesitate a bit, just looking at her for a little, and now that I properly look at her I realize that she doesn't look much like my Lucy anymore. 

I guess Nellie was right about her changing, not only mentally but physically too.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by Lucy turning around suddenly. She smiles when she sees me and I manage a small smile in return, self-consciously messing with my collar to make sure that it's covering up the scar on my neck.

"You're Ben's friend right?" She asks excitedly and I feel shocked that she actually remembers me and my lie about being Ben's friend.

"Yes, that's me lo...Lucy." I reply nervously, almost calling her love as it felt natural to do so at the time but luckily she doesn't seem to notice my blunder and she smiles widely, exposing surprisingly white teeth.

"Do you have any information about where I might be staying?" She asks quickly. I can tell that she is trying not to seem rude by being too overeager but it is evident that she is excited.

I nod "That's what I came here for." I reply and pull out the piece of paper.

She moves closer to me so that she can see the paper and I hand it to her "This is the address where you will be staying." I tell her and she squeals in delight, clutching the paper tightly.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaims and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek before running off in what I assume is the direction of Nellie's friends house.

I stand there for a minute silently as I see her disappear from my life,thinking.

What I am thinking about is the fact that when she kissed me, I felt nothing and usually I feel warm inside or a tingle where she kissed me but now I feel nothing at all.

I guess this is proof that I really have moved on from Lucy, due to now feeling that way about Nellie instead of Lucy.

I unfreeze myself from the path and start my walk home, oddly feeling not too sad.Obviously I feel a slight aching in my heart as I know that she is now gone from my life forever, but I can't help but also feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders due to not having to bear the burden of feeling bad for liking Nellie because of Lucy still being around. Of course she hasn't disappeared all together but I don't think I will be seeing her anytime soon.

I reach Fleet Street and put on a brave face because I am a bit upset, and I don't want to make Nellie and Daniel worry about me.

**Nellie POV**

I had just finished making Danny his breakfast, when Sweeney walks through the door.

I've gotten used to scanning his emotions when he walks in, so I do the same now;looking to see whether he looks angry or not.

He looks surprisingly ordinary, a slightly blank expression on his face but I can see that he is a little sad, due to the way that he isn't looking up from the floor and his mouth is turned down at the edges.

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