A Helping hand (Chapter 13)

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**Mrs Lovett POV**


Mr T is acting so weird.

I am concerned for him, he also says that he doesn't feel right. I hope he isn't ill. No it's probably the heartbreak which is making him act strange. But it's almost as if he is starting to like me. I mean ever since I sat him down to talk about what happened he has been acting almost nice, by his standards.

It felt really good to laugh with him, he has a pretty good sense of humor. It's a shame that he doesn't show it very often. His laugh is really sexy, it is quite deep as well. I don't really like mine, it is quite annoying and high pitched, no wonder he avoids me most of the time.

I actually felt quite relieved to tell him that I like him. Of course I meant it in a friend way, not the way I actually feel but it was a step. And he seemed shocked that someone actually likes him, I mean sure he has his bad moments but don't we all. He seems to think that all people hate him, which is sad because I bet they don't. But the world is a very judgmental place and everyone judges each other by small mistakes they make, and Mr T makes and has made quite a few which are not too easy to forgive.

I loved him teasing me earlier, it was so sweet and made me really feel wanted by someone. His smile is so cute and it makes his whole face seem nicer when he smiles instead of frowns.

And him running out earlier was just bizarre, he seemed really out of breath which is not normal unless he is angry which makes me think that maybe he was nervous or something but the idea of Sweeney Todd being nervous around me is so funny that I want to laugh.

(End of thoughts)

I walk back and forth in the kitchen trying to puzzle out why Mr T is being so bizarre when I notice a piece of paper on the counter and I push my thoughts to the back of my mind as I pick it up and examine it.

I notice Mr T's sloppy handwriting almost at once, I smile. He wrote me a note, this must have been put here just after I left him one.

I read it:

Mrs Lovett,

Yes I agree that we should ignore the events from last night.

But I can assure you that you are not getting in between me and Lucy's relationship.

I hope I didn't make you feel that you were.

Mr T

He must have left it the same day I left mine. I try to think of when he was down here around then.

Oh yes he was in here when I came down the other day, it was quite early for him to be up and I thought it odd. He said that he came for breakfast but he did hesitate when he said it and I come to the conclusion that he must have been putting this here but didn't want me to see for some reason.

I read it over again. Well he agreed that we should forget about it which is understandable, even though I know that I will remember that night for a long time, but the fact that he doesn't think that I am getting in between his and Lucy's relationship makes me smile. Good, I thought I was but I am glad that he thinks that I'm not as I would hate to be a burden between them, no matter how much I hate them being together again.

I fold the note up and put it in my pocket for safe keeping.

I then decide to reopen my shop; it had been closed quite alot recently as I have been dealing with Mr T and Lucy,but now I have nothing to do and I want to leave Mr T to his thoughts for a while so this is the ideal time seeing as the dinner rush should be soon. I take a quick look around to make sure that the kitchen is spic and span. It is except for Mr T's half finished glass of gin which is still on the table. Should I throw it away? Maybe he wants it. Maybe I should go and give it to him..

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