Confession Juuzou X reader part l

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Ahhh yes, our first stop will be for my Tokyo Ghoul fangirls. We'll meet a strange lad by the name Juuzou, he's got a weird way of going about things but boy isn't he cute. He may or may not be my senpai.. 

Fingers wrapped around the door as I slowly push it open, a sliver of light behind me pores in to the empty apartment living room.

"Good he's asleep." I whisper to myself

Relaxing my shoulders I take a big gulp of air. This morning Juuzou and I had this biggest fight we've ever had, tears spilt from both of us as words spat into the air that neither of us should have spoken, but they were. Switching on the kitchen light I rest my elbows on the island and nuzzle my face in my wrists. Pieces of this morning flickered in the back of my mind, plates thrown to the ground, photos pushed off the tables but the expression on Juuzou's face was the worse of all when I told him those horrible words.

"I don't love you, I never have and I'm certain I never will."  Bile ran through my veins 

"That.... That's not true." Juusou's voice much louder than mine but weaker all the same

"But it is.."  I whisper almost foaming at the mouth

"TAKE IT BACK, TAKE IT BACK !" The frantic white haired man before me yells like a child who's just been insulted

"Haven't you ever wondered why I never taken you home to meet my family. I could never show them the childish mess I've agreed to call my.."

"Oh but darling you don't have family to take him to now do you ?"  
My inner voices calls me out on my lie

"Say it." His sapphire eyes heat with anger

"Say it, tell me what I am to you." He repeats.

I don't want to, I can't lose him but after what he did... He has to know he can't have all of my time, he can't act like a jealous child not getting his way so he destroys what's in his path.  The sound of skin tearing filed the room, I knew he couldn't feel pain but is he actually ripping out the stitches he etched into his skin,  Blood pooled the ground.

"TELL ME !" I can't, no words came to mind

Four years, FOUR YEARS  have I been with this childish man, four blissful years, two of them spent sharing a apartment with him, finding the little things that excite me about him such as the way he's bright and cheerful in the mornings while I need two cups of coffee before I can even mumble a word, in which Juuzou has already made for me before my feet even touch the floor. The way he sketches me while I sleep which should be creepy but.... (Sigh) to me it's one of the many ways he says "I love you." Without speaking a word and lastly the way he finds me in the kitchen at 2 a.m baking and wants to break into dance, I love this man but yet I've never said yes to his only favor he has ever asked me... Well the one favor he keeps hinting toward.

"I can't." My voice a whisper as another piece of red string thrown to the ground

"I see." Humming in pure happiness as he unthreads another stitch, he stares at the infected skin. I've never gotten use to his inhuman behavior

Cold fingers run up my back as my skin tingles underneath the touch. Pulling me out of memory warm lips touch my neck before pushing my fingers away from my face. Juuzuo's smile brightens my mood though our bitter encounter this morning.

"I know why you think I'm so childish." His smile never leaving  

"I -"

"Listennn." He sings "I talked to the other investors today." Cutting me off before he takes a seat across from me

"we have yet to engage in sexual contact." The white haired boy giggles before placing his hands over his mouth

"It's not that, not that at all." Red dusts my cheeks as I take his hands in mine, one part of my problem is we haven't slept together yes but that's not why I think he's childish

"Oh but it is love." Juuzou dances around the side of the island making his way toward me

"I've often thought about you, I am a adult too you know, I lay in bed some nights thinking of what you're hiding away from me." Juuzou hums at his dirty thoughts some how seeming innocent

"Stop, you're only saying these things because you think it's what I want to hear."

"It's not ?" His smile falls

"I'm angry at you because you think I'm wasting all my time at Anteiku and you ruined it because I'm not giving you the attention you desire, now I have no job. THATS... why I think you are childish." Proving a point before lowering my voice.

"That place is for ghouls, you don't belong there." Juuzou's voice dominate for the first time in years

A chill runs up my back, staring into his beaming eyes as they heat with much more fire along with his temper. This man makes me so angry and before I knew it...

"I'm a ghoul." I close my eyes ready to take my last breath, I won't fight him, I can't fight him, not the only person left on this earth that loves me

"I know." Once again a delightful hum escaping his mouth

"I've seen those bright red orbs in the dead of night, I've followed you, I've seen you, but...." Juuzou pauses as he throws up his hand pointing his pointer finger upwards as if he has yet to finish his dramatic sentence "you're not like them, you don't kill to eat."

It's true, I cannot bring myself to kill a human... anymore. I get my ....meals... in a different manor only the ghouls from Anteiku know of.

"I may be a ghoul investigator but I shall not kill the ones I love, now shall we continue with this talk of partaking in sexual activity ?" Smiling at me from across the island once again

"But I -"

"If it's not yes or no I do not wish to hear it." Juuzou's smile begins to grow, a curious man he is but when things don't concern him he will have no part in it



With a extended arm out to me I take his hand as he leads me to our bed room. Sitting on the bed I watch as Juuzou shuts the door behind him a giant smile plastered on his face, he can make anything look innocent. A light kiss trails down my neck as his hands rest on my waist. Slightly moaning as Juuzou finds my sweet spot and runs his tongue across the sensitive skin of my neck. Pushed to my back against the bed I look up at l white haired deviant.

"Don't be so nervous, I won't bite... Very hard." Closing his eyes and smiling down at me Juuzou's voice the only thing filling the room

"Now, where do we start again? no worries I looked this up, we'll figure it out." Playing with the string threaded into his lip with one hand and scratching his head with the other he looks around for something

"You watched porn ?" My voice echoes

"Ehh ?" Juuzou looks down at me "what's that ?"

"Nothing." My cheeks heat up

This one is going to be pretty lengthy I'm trying to keep Juuzou's childish personality but that's actually very hard  xD so here is part l and part ll is on its way.


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