Chapter 18 - A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words Part 2

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----------Chapter Break (18) ----------

"YOU DON'T WANT TO MAKE AN ENEMY OUT OF ME! I'LL FINISH YOU OFF RIGHT NOW YOU ASSHOLES!" you screech back in the same tongue, breaking free of Gilbert's grip that had weakened from your outburst.

Shoving into Ludwig, your hands wrap around the gun he always kept tucked into his belt. You had noticed it that day in the alley and you remembered it so clearly in your dream.

Best part was that you also knew how to use it.

Your shoes crunches into the cobble as you take off after the two. The crowd seems to part and you notice the woman from the store who had given you her picture frames. She seemed to have a determined look on her face as she raises her voice.

"Get those two! They're criminals."

You smile bitterly and she gives you a firm nod back.

Picking up the pace, you break through the crowd and see Iris, a dark smile appears on your face as you hold up the pistol and fire. It struck the arm that was holding the USB. Iris switches it to her other arm but the misstep from the pain gives you the edge to catch up.

Iris weaves around the shops before coming across a river that went through the middle of the town. You shoot again but Iris dodges, her hands go wide as she tries to catch her balance and the USB lands with a light splash into the water.

"You're not going after it?" She asks, on her back now, staring at you wide eyed.

"I was going to destroy it sooner or later."

"Well we lost the townspeople."

"Lost Thorn too." You snap. Your grip was starting to loosen. You couldn't kill someone this easily, it was just wrong.

"We didn't lose Thorn." She goes with a smirk and your eyes widen. Dropping the gun you jerk to the right just as the place you used to be standing explodes as bullets bite into the cobble.

The gun goes off again, this time it skims your leg as you sway dangerously on the edge of the bridge. Then another shot as this one skims your arm gouging out a decent amount of flesh.

Holding back your scream you close your eyes allowing yourself to fall off the bridge. The cold water welcomes you as you sink low enough to swim towards the cover of the bridge before there were any more shots.

Something bites into your side as you release a sudden bubble of air as you gasp in pain. Ok, so Thorn wasn't the best shot but he's been hitting you. Not anywhere fatal, but he's been doing it. Kicking your legs furiously you surface under the bridge and immediately push yourself against the wall begging that you were out of Thorn's sight.

Sure, personifications were considered immortal. But if you get shot in the heart or head you're sorta... dead. No duh...

Breathing heavily, you close your eyes trying to push through the pain. You weren't going to die, plus you had a quick recovery time. You would be fine... just fine.

Something tears through your leg as a scream rises, you snap your mouth shut but it was a little too late.

You had given away your position, though it was something Iris or whatever the hell her real name was knew already. The gun is pointed at you as you tense up.

Holy crap holy crap holycrapholycrapcrapcrapcrap.

She was leaning over the railing, her hair cascading down like living lava. You gulped as your brain filled with the two letter word. If someone didn't intervene she was going to get you. And your leg was throbbing, if you wanted to hide the fact you healed quickly you couldn't let your wounds be too obvious.

Eagle and Dove; Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now