Chapter 6 - Vocal Cords

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Shizuo's P.O.V.

There I was, I was sitting in a familiar living room that wasn't mine, as my white shirt was tainted with blood.

"My, my Shizuo. How you get yourself into these kinds of things, I don't know, but you always seem to be the best in shape apart from a few wounds here and there. I'm impressed." The brunette underground doctor chucked to himself, shaking his head slightly as he got a towel to dab the wound.

I just simply growled, warningly tugging my arm back as Shinra dabbed it. It's not like I thought he was wrong, it's just that it annoys me. It's all thanks to that flea and that stupid voice, and that damn obnoxious jacket of his. Though, I did get a hit on him, so it was worth it. My eyes pierced at the figure across from me on the other couch, my anger boiling.

That damn fucking grin.

"Shizu-chan is very mean. You hit me! And really hard too..." The damn flea's grin didn't falter as he spoke, provoking me to smash his head right into the wall.

Shinra seemed uncomfortable in this kind of situation as he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck, a nervous 'I wish Celty was here' could be heard. But I paid no attention to him, my vein popping on my forehead, my knuckles turning white as I clenched and unclenched my hand in a fist. Oh what I would give to wipe off that damn grin off.

The flea was hit over the head with a garbage can that I had flung at him. He had crashed down to the pavement, and it was quite a sight. I had even laughed, seeing the wobbly flea trying to get up after a hit to the head like that. He looked drunk for fucks sake, and even now I'm thinking that if I had hit him harder, maybe that would have killed him. That brought my own grin on my face.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you that starring is rude?"

"Shut the fuck up."

The flea only sighed, shaking his head as he placed the bag of ice on his head again, a low chuckle slipping.

That damn ugly noise.

"I'm starting to wonder if you were even raised in a household. I can tell Kasuka w-"

"Don't EVER talk about my brother!" My anger had reached its peak, my hand went and grabbed the closest object to fling at the flea. The lamp by the couch was the closest thing, sorry to say. Once it was in my hand I swung it towards the flea who hadn't moved a single muscle, with a bigger grin on that stupid face of his.

The pleading of Shinra and the door clicking went unheard to me, and as the lamp was barely a hair away from the flea's head, a black web stopped the lamp. I let out a frustrated growl as I looked to see where the black web was coming from. I could feel myself relax at the sight of the headless rider. The lamp forgotten for now, it dropped from my hand, and I stuffed my hands in my pants.

"Tsk." I sent a glare towards the losses direction, and sat where I previously was. "Your lucky I didn't smack the brains out of you, little shit." It was all thanks to the dullahan.

An annoying chuckle escaped the raven. "My, that's a new one."

Shinra was currently all over Celty, thanking her and whatnot. It's not like it would have been the first time I do something in their home. I once ripped the refrigerator in their apartment to hit Izaya after a fight in highschool. The same day I met him. I remember all the cold sweat running down the underground doctor's face, nervousness taking over him as he held Izaya's hand, fixing whatever was wrong with it, while I had a damn cut across my chest from the stupid louses switchblade.

"Wipe that grin off your face before I rip your damn face off." I growled, the anger rising in me again.

With a roll of his eyes and a spring, the flea was off the couch and thanking Shinra for the ice bag, saying something along the lines of 'not wanting to be by a monster because it was making his lungs undergo damage from the smell.'

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