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"I see humans, but no humanity."

It was a nice afternoon, sun setting, crisp wind, birds happily chirping and flapping their wings above, dancing flawlessly through the air without a care in the world. Shizuo was walking home, hands in his pocket, brows furrowed over annoyed looking eyes under blue tinted glasses. He could sense the Flea, the pest, with a flamboyant attitude and annoying smirk. The smell of him littered the air, making the scenery around him a little unpleasant, knowing the other was causing havoc in another part of his city. How could Shizuo tell? The flea smelled horrible, like acrylic paint gone bad with foul smells of chemicals. That was what it smelled like when he was causing chaos, a smell so disgusting it was hard to focus on the present. It was stupid how girls were all over him in highschool because Shizuo did not find that smell attractive. Not at all.

The day was coming to an end, and the sun was slowly setting behind the buildings of Ikebukuro. The air was nice and crisp, it felt nice on your face. The cool wind was one of the things that Shizuo like when the day comes to an end.

Ikebukuro was home to a few legends. One of them was currently taking his walk to his apartment, trying to ignore the awful smell. The faux blond had supernatural strength, the kind you would see in cartoons, comics, and advertising. It wasn't as cool as people thought it was, it was a curse, one he had never asked for. He was dubbed 'the strongest man in Ikebukuro'. Might as well dub him 'the strongest man in the world'. Shizuo wasn't the only one dubbed 'strongest man in Ikebukuro'. Ikebukuro was quite a place, it was dangerous, with much activity around. There was a saying, 'the strongest men in Ikebukuro', it talked about three men in specifics, but one was always left out, for certain reasons. Shizuo, was obviously one of them. People said he was in competition with a man named Simon, a black, tall, African Russian, who also seemed to have great strength. Simon was a man to carry the name of one of the strongest men, but not very proudly. He was just a simple sushi seller, trying to lure in costumers. Another, and final man, was quite a dangerous one. When they say 'strongest' it didn't mean physical strength, it meant in other, probably slightly more dangerous way. An informant broker, what a joke. Orihara Izaya, a man who solely lived to make people's life a living hell. People tend to say he is smart, but he really is stupid. Why? Well because he loves to mess around with Shizuo, and he is so fucking annoying, he would love to punch his face in. Literally.

Shizuo and Izaya are enemies. They despise each other. Since the moment they saw each other, something snapped in Shizuo and he attacked the other, and the other attacked him. The vow to kill each other. 'I'll kill you one day!', it's heard over and over, but that day hasn't come yet, and probably won't for a while now. Shizuo planned on getting his hands on Izaya before anyone else could. He wanted to see the light wash from his enemies bright red orbs, be an inch away to see it all up close.

Shizuo stopped in front of the 'apartment' he lived in. It was more like little one roomed houses all stacked up together, stairs leading to the second and third floors, a black railing surrounding most of the place; he put his dangling cigarette and watched the sun set behind the buildings, the way he used to before his father died. He would watch the sun sink behind mountains and buildings, giving a glow of yellow, orange, and red.

His father had been one of the best detectives there were in Japan. He solved cases that even the FBI, or CSI never could solve. But one day when he was solving an important mass murdurer case, he had a heart attack and died. He had been born with a hole in his heart, and the cardiologists thought it had already closed, but the reason for his fate, was that one hole. His death was the reason Shizuo refuse to love anybody now. If he fell in love, they might die like his father did. His dad was everything to him, apart from his mother, who were two big figures in his whole life, always putting up with all the damage he caused with his horrible strength.

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