Chapter 17 - Anonymous

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"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love." - Washington Irving

The way life works is powerful, wonderful, horrible, and scary. The way a child is born into this world while another is dying in a bed far off, soon to be confined in a coffin or disintegrated. Things like this happen everyday, just like a newborn child breathing through the tense air of a labor room, death wasn't different. Breathing to just continue living when you know you are close to dying is like telling someone they aren't good enough for life, to carry a soul in their soon to be nothing-but-dead body. That will soon lay motionless for years to come, memories of them fading in others head like a lost friend in a crowd. They would be forgotten.


The post on the message board was getting popular amongst the members of the Dollar community. It had been a circulating thread until it was shared by one of the main Curators of the Dollars site. The attention was poring into the simple yet depressing message, soon being posted on other sites, including the not-so-famous-anymore west social media sites, High Five and My Space, still in use of the very little left that were still attracted to the sights. It was shared amongst the Facebook community members. Some teenagers talked about it. But they didn't know the meaning behind it.

A brunette doctor sat in his chair, reading a chat as the members chatted away with each other:

[Setton: It's still quite a mystery of why they had posted that in the first place. Maybe the writer just wasn't feeling so good and decided to write it.]

[Tanaka Taro: It's strange to say the least.]

[Saika: It kinda hurts when I read the post.]

[Saika: My heart I mean.]

[Tanaka Taro: I just don't get why they would post it on such a public sight.]

[Setton: Maybe the author didn't mean for it to get so popular. They didn't know it would be circulating the Internet to quickly and so suddenly.]

[Bakyura: Maybe. Or..]

[Setton: ???]

[Bakyura: Maybe that was their intention. To spread the word. IDK. Just guessing.]

[Tanaka Taro: I just hope the author is alright.]

~~~~Kanra joined the chatroom~~~~

[Kanra: Oya! Oya! Hello everybody been a while, ne~?!]

[Setton: K-Kanra!?]

[Tanaka Taro: What? What happened??? Why have you been gone so long????]

[Saika: Are you alright Kanra? How is everything?]

[Setton: Where have you been? Are you okay? Did something happen?]

[Bakyura: Great. Assholes back.]

[Kanra: Ne, that isn't nice Bakyura~! What have I ever done to you~?]

[Kanra: I'm fine. Really.]

[Bakyura: Go rot in hell.]

[Setton: !!!]

[Setton: Guys! Guys! Be nice! Maybe Kanra had a lot of work lately, she seems to be the busy type, isn't that right Kanra?]

[Kanra: Bulls-eye~!!!]

[Saika: I would love to stay and catch up with you Kanra, but I really have to go.]

[Tanaka Taro: Yea, me too. Sorry.]

[Tanaka Taro: Maybe another time?]

[Kanra: oh, alright. ;)]

~~~~Tanaka Taro has left the chatroom~~~~

~~~~Saika has left the chatroom~~~~

[Kanra: I think I must be going as well, I have.... Things to do. Bye- bye~!]

~~~~Kanra has left the chatroom~~~~
[Setton: Same. Bye.]

[Bakyura: Bye.]

~~~~Setton has left the chatroom~~~~
~~~~Bakyura has left the chatroom~~~~

The doctor behind thin frames sighed. Time was going to slow, and was being too cruel at the moment. Time seemed to slip, but pain seemed to fill the empty glass sitting in a dark and lonely room, waiting to be pored, like a life wasted, onto the floor.


Sorry I haven't updated in like, three weeks. This chapter is pretty short, SMH, disappointed by myself.

Time flies when the Shizaya ship is falling apart like crazy crying as the Saturdat episodes drag on and causing the whole DRRR fandom suspense and anxiety. I was quite disappointed by last weeks episode. If they show he final fight between the two, do it right and fit it in two episodes, not four.

I am happy that you like my other Shizaya book, Revolutions, I seen some users of this book reading it and it makes me happy that people are enjoying.

See a grammar mistake? Notify me!

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