Chapter 23 - restart

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"I'm slammed with an identity that can no longer say a word; mute with responsibility"
-Kate Millet

He crashed into the black soft sofas, breathing in the familiar scent that he had learned to miss during his time away. The blinds were closed, but there was no dust to be seen. Opening his eyes and rolling around, he open his mouth to give a puff of air, which was meant to be a groan giving other circumstances. Pain tingled under his shins and under his Adam's apple, sometimes a numbing sensation in his muscles would send shivers down his spine and then disperse at his toes.

Standing up on now sturdier legs, he shed his parka onto the couch, too lazy to hang it up by the door close to the elevator. He had one goal in mind, 'get the fucking computer turned on'.

Light taps of shoes echoed in the flat as Izaya was also too lazy to take off his shoes by the door. Be it damned, he couldn't give a slight damn at all. So the little walk to the indent of where his flat contained the couches to the glass window wall at the other other side of his apartment, contained controlled steps with echoes that seemed to bring the past practical year to movement. With missing so much he had much work to do.

Orihara Izaya doesn't slack no matter what.

Brushing his index finger lightly on his desk as he rounded it resolved in a slight shiver as the surface was cool, and he was quite sensitive at the hands. Everything was neatly placed, with a neon pink sticky note on top of it all.

'You better give me a whole years paycheck for keeping this garbage all organized - yes including your apartment in general.'


A slight smirk appeared on his face, as he kicked his chair back so he could take a seat. It soon left his face though, as he wasn't exactly in that much practice of rebuilding his masks. Sure, his most powerful weapon was taken away from him, but he still was a great actor. Fuck Kasuka, he deserves an award.

The clicks that emitted from the keyboard as he typed in the password with quick (rebuilding)accuracy and a smooth click from the mouse got the computer warming up and humming slightly after not being used in a long time. While it was warming up, the crow black haired male got up from his seat, and went to the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator to see it clean. Literally. There were just a few water bottles scattered around, so he took one and decided that it was enough to quench his thirst, even though he was kind of in the mood for tea. With that, he took the cool liquid with him back to his desk to the already waiting computer.

The computer had a blue default background, no personal picture of when he was in highschool or of his twin sisters. Guess you could just call him 'boring' if you really wanted to. Izaya just taught himself to not get attached.

He logged onto the Dollars website and went through new and very old forums. All the new information seemed to make his head throb, or maybe that was because he hadn't taken the medication Shinra had told him he had to take manditory every six hours. It didn't matter, he spent his whole day on the computer, analyzing every forum, typing up new documents, then sorting out those documents to make get on with the next page of forums, to then go through each thread and write what seemed to be jumping out at him, and so on and so forth. It was a time consuming task, but he did this for work, it was mandatory to be up to date. Which then lead to him having to go through folders and 'delete' some things that seemed to no longer be true. He put those in another folder still under the names that the original folder was under. Then those folders had to be placed in other folders, that went into other even bigger folders. That though, wasn't as hard as actually attaining the information.

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