Chapter 13 - It's Not Just the Darkness||Teaser||

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Note:  it's been awhile since the last POV. This chapter with only fix on Izaya's point of view three months from present time. Last POC ever in this book. Hope this raises your interest for the next chapter. ;)


Darkness can't even explain the feelings. No, scratch that, not feelings. I can't even describe it. It's not exactly a feeling but not exactly a state of mind. All I can tell, was that it was dark, and I was alone. Just because I was alone, didn't mean I was lonely.

I don't know what happened, I don't even want to know, but it feels like I am being suffocated from the outside, if that even makes sense. I don't feel like I'm alive, it's like, I'm a walking dead. What is this? Was this a dream? I can't move, barely, and my body is stiff, it feels like I'm having a hard time breathing. There is no ground under me and no sky above, no sounds, not even the piercing sound of nothing. Everything was absolutely absent. No ringing in my ears, or the sound of my own breathing. Am I even alive? What did I do before going to bed yesterday? Last thing I remember was having that funny argument about Namie and her brother, which soon turned to the topic of sex. Don't even remember how we turned to such a lewd topic but we did, and we stayed on it for a good half an hour or so. I would laugh if I could, but I can't even open my mouth.

It feels like I have a hole in my throat, and I feel like I'm loosing memories. There is a fair pain on the back of my head like as if I had been shoved into a brick wall.

Wait, back to that Namie person. I had thought- no, I can't think here- so easily about the person like as if I had known them. Who is this Namie person? What is my connection with them? Better yet, who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing here? Am I sleeping, or in a drugged induced sleep?

I think I have spent at least a few good days in this weird sleep, maybe it had been longer, but anyways, I hear voices, they are muffled quite a bit and it feels so far away, yet it is so close. Sometimes I even see a faint light from above, like as if someone was shining a light through a blanket. I would want to call out, but it was like as if my mouth was sewed shut.... From the outside? What was this feeling? I can't stand it. What kind of sleep am I in? It was a pain and slow one. This was certainly not a cat nap. it was like I had been both blindfolded and gagged, waiting in a dirty cell for death to creep up to me and eat me whole.

It was killing me. I wanted to yell, scream, cry out. But it was like as if I was paralyzed, and dead yet not fully.

Sometimes I can't breath, like as if my heart had stopped beating, this happened twice, and at one point I couldn't breath completely because my chest hurt so bad, the left side. It was torture. Purely from the devil himself.

Occasionally, if I strained to hear, and don't move or speak -like as I could- I could hear a voice. A woman's voice. She had a cold icy voice, which gave me a mental image of an ice queen. Sometimes I would hear work, and even more rare, 'Izaya'. What is it? Is it a medicine? If so, what kind? If it was a brand, of what? If it was a who, who was it? Would it be someone I would know? No. I can't remember a thing. It was useless.

I don't know how long I had been trapped in this cell of mine, but I woke up one day, from this nightmare, but the movement I opened my eyes, I felt trapped. Harassed. Violated, even. It scared me to be under such a dead weight, with mocha eyes staring at my unidentifiable orbs, and I saw malice, and a slice of violence, and a dangerous aura. It was a man with blond hair starring me down, hand around my neck, practically choking me.

A gruff musky voice was heard though the still air.

"Do you hear that?" The stranger-who-obviously-wasn't-a-person-I-knew-but-looked-like-a-bartender-at-a-skimpy-slash-seedy-bar said.

The hand around my neck tightened, depriving me from air. The air was quiet, apart from the loud pitched beeping beside m-us.

Fear struck me in a wave, and even if I felt shocked, and a scared from those treacherous eyes, he was kinda hot. Oops.

"Yea. Me neither."


Haha. Sorry. This ain't a chapter, but a teaser. I know I left you guys hanging pretty bad on that last chapter, but I want you to suffer a little. Just a sminch. What do you think is going to happen next chapter? I just want to know what my readers think.

This is like the first time I imply something so sexual in this book. Pshhh.

Lol, Izaya thought Shizuo was hot. So not sorry.

(Ahemhewillnotthinkthatinlaterchaptersahem) I never said a thing. What are you talking about? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I have another Shizaya book out at the moment. It is a reeeaaallllyyy slow build, and get a bit... Explicit sometimes. If you like those kind of books, please check it out!

Mute  |Shizaya| (Currently Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora