Chapter 26 - Genuine Smile

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"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose."

He remember the times in highschool when the sunlight showed onto the little things, like handholding, kisses on the cheek, arms wrapped around another's shoulders, and friends laughing. The wind was always warm and welcoming, ruffling through everyone's hair, leaves of trees gently being rustled as others slowly fell of their branch. The green grass was always crisp and welcoming, the soft feeling of a green blade tickling ones cheek or bared ankle, soft giggles escaping ones lips at the sensation. It didn't seem that long ago, when he actually saw a genuine smile, one that had been shared with someone else that wasn't him. Pure happiness radiating off the other, like the sun's heat waves on a summer day.

1996, May 4

It had been a particularly hot day, the breeze not enough even with the windows open, so the blond had rolled up the sleeves of his uniform blazer and the white shirt under, trying to relieve from the heat. Beads of sweat rolled down from his temples, as it rolled down to his jaw, to drop. It was a free period, so people were talking and laughing with their friends, some throwing paper airplanes around, or throwing balled up paper at the kids in the back reading. It appeared that another class had received a free period, so some other students mixed in with his class, making more noise in the inclosed space, which was soon accompanied by an annoying bubbly voice. Lowering his head, the blond opened his eyes to see Izaya sitting on Kadota's desk, kicking his legs in the isle, as Shinra sat in another student's desks, all of them taking about something. Kadota had said something to Izaya, in which Izaya had laughed as he slightly turned on his spot on Kadota's desk, throwing his body back so it landed on the brunette. With his arms in the air, he put them over his head so that he could grab onto Kadota's hair, another arm circling around his neck, while his lips moved in a reply. At the action, Shizuo's eyebrow twitched, as he gritted his teeth. Poor Kadota had to deal with the flea. The flea just had to fuck with everyone right? He never left anyone alone, and it annoyed the blond, as he always felt pity for those who had to deal with his behavior, since the raven never knew when to quit his actions.

Surprisingly enough, Kadota hadn't pushed the raven off, and placed his hands on Izaya's ribcage, playing with his shirt there, looking over at Shinra as he talked, his arms flailing in the air like a maniac. It would have been a normal scene with those three, but something felt off, and it pissed the blond off much and- did it suddenly get hotter? Balling his fists, Shizuo tried to not get involved with the raven, who seemed to not realize that he was there as well, which was quite surprising. Izaya had just continued to play with Kadota's gelled hair, sometimes piping into the conversation the other two were having, while his stomach was being drummed on lightly by big hands, the red shirt slightly riding up. Izaya had given a particular rough tug at Kadota's hair that gave him a harder tap on his stomach, almost winding him, as he laughed.

That laugh, the laugh that got the blond riled up so much, the one that he wished that never existed, which was always followed by a sharp tongue, one that lashed out and seemed to cut skin, one that seemed to drive him crazy when he talked to others in a haughty tone even though it was playful. Anyone who faced the raven's wrath was always pitied by the blond, as it annoyed him that Izaya seemed to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted without consequences.

It was the need to crush something under his fingers that surged through him. He fought back the red in his vision and he continued to watch Izaya being a nuisance to all of those surrounding him. The raven was all smoke and mirrors, and it was annoying to the blond, as all he could see was the need to annoy and destroy inside those red shining orbs that always seemed to plead 'pay attention to me!'.
And that was what others did. The raven was showered in all different kinds of attention. From girls, 'friends', gangs, yakuza, teachers. It was annoying and it was so effortless it hurt. Just seeing him dance around the edge without him falling always got to his nerves, playing around and careless, just for the hell of it. It was more safe to say than anything else in the entire world, that Izaya was thoroughly an attention whore. He needed someone's eyes on him to breath apparently. Would be a shame if everyone was blind, for sure.

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