Just Who Are They?

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"How is it possible," one of the villagers asked in exasperation.

"I'm not sure. I've only heard stories from the many travelers that step into my bar," the bartender responded,"Apparently, villagers have spotted a total of 7 people using more than one element."

"There's no way, there should only be one avatar, 7 is unheard of."

"Well the descriptions people have given me all add up to 7 different people, I've heard their tales a thousand times to come up with at least that much information."

"What kind of descriptions did those little travelers give you," a figure from the end of the bar suddenly questioned, face hidden by the dark cloak he wore.

The bartender stared at the man before slowly answering his question,"from what I've heard one of them is as beautiful as the moon princess some even believe he's the moon spirit himself, said the male had plump lips, a big appetite, and a specialty in waterbending. Witnesses say he used water, earth, and air elements, they heard him called by the name Jin."

The hooded figure nodded, memorizing the information in his mind.

"The second is a tall man with white hair by the nickname of Rapmonster, he's apparently notorious for destruction. Specialty obviously firebending, but he's been seen to use all the other elements too."

"Oh," the villager exclaimed,"I've heard of him! He accidentally burned down an entire village in his sleep, having to rebuild the entire town to make up for it."

The hooded stranger chuckled,"and the others?"

"The third is what many consider a strange one. According to the stories, he ran around towns claiming bunnies lived on the moon until he vanished about a month ago. He was nicknamed V as everywhere he went he made a peace sign before taking off. He had orange hair and wore a box smile wherever he went."

"Orange hair?"

"Yeah, he too had a specialty in firebending and airbending, could also use water," the man paused to take a breath,"The fourth is a little more vague, but I've still gotten enough information. He's a brown haired young man with slightly chubby cheeks, a huge smile, and defined muscles. He specializes in- can you guess?"


"Exactly! He specializes in fire and air, and was seen using the other 2 elements."

The bartender sighed,"almost done. Next is number five, the liveliest on the list. This male is known for his joking antics and his ability to bring smiles and hope wherever he goes. He specializes in air, but has used the other elements as well. They say his firebending will never be as bright as his smile."

"What does he look like?"

"Tall, black hair, usually styled in a mix of up or down. Some even say he resembles a horse, but they all agree his laugh sure sounds like one. Goes by the name J Hope because he's 'everyone's hope'," the man quoted with his fingers.

The figure nodded," there's two left."

"Ah, yes. Number 6 is a tricky one."

"What do you mean?"

"Number 6 has been said to keep a low profile, his abilities have only been seen on occasion, and it's usually when he's helping someone. He too was seen using all elements. He's said to be young with almond eyes, a youthful face, a black head of hair swooped to the side, and can be compared to a bunny."

"A bunny," the person repeated to himself with a smirk before speaking up again,"and the last one?"

The bartender thought for a moment then continued,"the last is a pink haired young man that goes by the name Suga. He's said to have been previously blind, but endured some form of experiment that allowed him to see again. People claim he had been the fiercest competition in the underground earthbending battles despite his blind nature, won the gold more times than anyone could count. For his bond to the earth while blind he has a speciality in earth bending, and he's also known to control fire expertly too, and reports say he had barely discovered his airbending abilities before he disappeared."

The male stopped when he noticed the hooded figure standing up to leave.

"Hey kid, why do you want to know anyway?"

"I'm not a kid, and I'm on a mission- a mission to find them," the male responded as he headed toward the door.

"Oh really kid, and what makes you think you of all people could do it?," the bartender called after him.

"It's because... As number 6, I have a strong feeling I can relate to them, and the name's not kid, it's Jungkook."

And with that, he was gone.

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