Living a Lie

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Heyo! Back from the dead once again! Kinda rushed but I mean when is it not ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ~enjoy
PS I wanted to use Caught In a Lie but Living a Lie fit better *missed opportunities*
"That's impossible!" Yoongi yelled after they had all moved to the sailer to sit down.

"We're not one hundred percent sure but it's what the archives say."

"Then the archives are wrong! My parents might've been shitty but they'd never try to end the world! This is ludicrous!"

"Look, Yoongi, it may or may not be right, but we figured we'd tell you in case you..." Seokjin trailed off.

"In case I what? Wanted to ask them myself? 'Oh hey mom, hey dad, I haven't seen you in over two years, are you trying to destroy the world?'" Yoongi scoffed.

"Two years?!" Jimin questioned.

"Yeah, what of it? They always sent their little guards to make sure I was still within the city, but as long as their blemish wasn't in their palace they were fine."

Jimin frowned, not too happy with Yoongi's answer.

"Then why are there posters all over the city with the word Lost over your head?"

"Because they were too lazy to take them down. Once they found out where I was, they stopped caring."

The group grimaced recalling how the two had seemed aloof when they offered to help find him.

"Like I said, weren't the best of people... I just can't imagine them trying to end the world, it's just impossible," he gnawed on his fingernail, lost in thought.

"We were going to start training, but if you want to make a stop home, it's okay Yoongi," Namjoon offered,"we can even write Mrs. Galloway to assure us, we haven't sent her a letter since the day we found you."

"We've already wasted enough time, doing something that dumb would be a waste of even more time. I've got what I needed, so let's go train or something," Yoongi resolved, standing up away from the group.

Namjoon glanced at him one more time before shrugging at the others, commanding them on what to do for them to set sail.


Yoongi took a spot on the edge, looking out into the sands. His eyes had surprisingly stayed in color even after his heart calmed, so he intended to enjoy it while he could.

"Here's the scrolls I snatched for you," Jimin offered, once the group started their journey.
Yoongi glanced up at him then down to the bag and hesitantly grabbed it. The younger took the opportunity to sit next to him, eager to see what the papers contained.

"I think I'll check them out later," Yoongi decided, closing the one he had started to open and shoving it back into the bag.

"What," Jimin asked, exasperated,"but you can see right now... wouldn't it be a waste not to glance at them?"

"Yeah, but if I look at it now, I'll want to try them, and there's nothing but sand for the next two-three days."

"I guess you're right... but still," Jimin lifted an eyebrow, staring before sighing, deciding to switch topics,"hey Yoongs, do you really believe your parents wouldn't be a part of something this big?"

Yoongi sighed, atmosphere turning slightly darker,"the sad thing... is that I honestly don't. They're twisted individuals. Who knows what's on their agenda, but the longer I go without knowing, the better things are."

"Like that saying, ignorance is bliss," Jimin provided.

"Something like that. Either way, I'd much rather occupy my mind with training than worry about my parents."

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