Kyoshi Island

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"Ten more minutes," Taehyung complained, swatting the air.

"Tae get your butt up, we've already made it to the docks," Jungkook insisted, shaking the boy,"seriously, if you don't get up right now I will not be held accountable for what happens next."

He was answered by a disheveled grunt.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Jungkook shrugged before opening one of the many windows.
He went into stance, both feet planted to the ground then started moving his hands around gracefully. At first nothing happened, but little by little a long stream of water made its way through the window. Jungkook then began to snake it around him making it look like a dragon flying through the air until it hovered above Taehyung's sleeping figure. With one hand movement, the water came crashing down. There was a loud screech as the water landed on the male.

"Oh come on Tae, you can't stay mad forever. Plus if you had just gotten up then everything would've been fine."

"I still have traces of salt water, SALT WATER Kookie, in my underwear! Just you wait, I'm going to get you back," he threatened, walking faster in front of the other.

"Alright, so the ocean water was a bit much, I apologize Tae."

Tae stared at him then turned back around,"alright, I forgive you, but I still recommend you sleep with one eye open."

"Well that's good- wait what? Hey, wait what do you me-"

Before Jungkook could finish, Taehyung had taken off in the direction of the forest.

"Tae, where are you going," Jungkook called after him.

"I just remembered something," he yelled excitedly," This island, this island is known for something."

"Known for what? Tae, slow down!"
"It's known for-"
"-The Koi fish," he exclaimed, pointing at the still water of the open bay.

Jungkook peered out into the distance, confusion written on his face. After awhile, he sighed,"there's nothing there Taehyung."

"No, I swear they're here! I saw it written on a traveler's guide!"

"Traveler's guides are just a bunch of lies. They claim all these things exist so that tourists will waste their money on their islands. This time, you're the one who got scammed."

"No, that can't be true," he shook his head, a pout forming,"but I wanted to see the koi fish."

"I'm sure we can see other cool things on the island, come on Tae."

Taehyung shook his head then collapsed on the sand of the bank, arms crossed,"no. I'm not moving from this spot until I see a Koi fish."

Jungkook shook his head,"are you sure you're older than me? I believe you're actually 19 going on 5."

"Say what you want, the Koi fish will appear, whether you're here or not."

Jungkook rolled his eyes,"well alright, I'm going into the village, if you see any magical koi fish then come get me."

Jungkook dropped one of the bags next to Taehyung then turned onto the path.

"Just you wait Kookie, I'll show you! They exist, I swear!"

"Yeah, like the bunnies that live on the moon?" Jungkook scoffed.


Jungkook wandered around in the forest, sky starting to darken, when he noticed a dim light in the distance.

"Finally! A village," he smiled.

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