Shadows and Hate

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This chapter was like halfway done for the past 2 weeks but I was just really lazy and had no inspiration... On the bright side the next chapter is practically done :) I'm sorry for the few people who actually like this story x) I kinda rushed the ending...
"I was expecting a little more," Taehyung complained,"this village is dull. There's not a single person out."
"Don't you know," a random female cut in,"it's avatar day, everyone is out for the festivities. Just head to the center and you'll see."
The three of them stared at each other.
"Avatar day?" They repeated in question.
They walked down the alleyways until bright lights caught their attention. When they rounded the corner, they were met with a series of different booths. Everything seemed magical, but what caught their attention were the displays.
"Why is it that every where I go they have some form of Avatar hatred? I thought it was avatar day."
"But it is," a villager interrupted,"it's the day we celebrate our hatred for the arrival of the avatars."
Before Jungkook could ask anymore questions the lady disappeared into a crowd of drunks who were currently chanting the lines 'down with the avatars,' over and over again. Jungkook followed the female into the chorus of men singing in harmony. Giving up on finding her, Jungkook pushed his way to the front of the crowd. They watched in awe as they stared at 2 oversized figures of Avatar Kyoshi and Avatar Roku. The angry mob continued to chant their words of venom and hatred while throwing sticks and stones at the floats moving by.
"Down with the avatars," a familiar voice to their right yelled.
"Hoseok, what are you doing? You're one of the avatars."
Hoseok shrugged,"I'm getting into the festivities. I mean look at these cookies! They're delicious. Try one."
"Yeah and they also have the elements with a sword stuck in it," Jungkook noted then whacked the cookie out of the male's hand when he didn't relent.
"Tae can you believe-" Jungkook's face darkened,"give me that damn cookie. You both are ridiculous. I thought I was supposed to be the youngest."
"But they're really good," the two insisted.
"Does it matter to you two at all that the games include pin the sword in the past avatars? Or is find and kill the avatar more your taste?
"It did, but then I thought, hey it's not like they know that we're the new avatars. Calm down Kookie, what are they going to do? Burn ginormous statues of what they think is us?"
Just as Hoseok finished his sentence there was a loud cheer from the center of town. Wanting to know what it was, the three of them made their way deeper into the village. When they were at the front of the crowd they were amazed to see oversized versions of themselves with only certain aspects of them off.
"My hair is not red," Taehyung complained in a low tone.
"Yeah, and my hair isn't down, it's spiked up," Hoseok added.
"Will you two be quiet, the last thing we need is them finding out who we are."
"You're just mad because they put a huge bunny mask on the face of yours. That's what happens when you're mister mysterious, yet still stand out," Hoseok laughed.
Jungkook stared at the statues in front of him with curiosity. There were only 5, yet Jungkook remembered there being 7 avatars in total. He guessed the other two didn't have enough description to their name for them to guess what they looked like which irked him more considering they still attempted his.
"I do not look like a bunny," he pouted to himself.
The other two chuckled in amusement. Their laughing abruptly stopped; the three of them suddenly stared at each other with twisted faces.
"Do you smell that?"
"Yeah, it smells like burning wood,"Taehyung agreed.
They turned around to see the floats on fire, smoke flying everywhere.
"What are they doing? That's my face they're burning," Taehyung cried out.
Jungkook stared at the male's distressed face before sighing and jumping forward. He took the water from nearby containers and drowsed the floats in water. The fire diminished immediately, a chorus of Boos following. The younger then jumped, airbending his way up onto the 4 story statue.
"It's one of the avatars! Just look at his face, it looks like a bunny," one of the villagers yelled with a pointed finger.
"No I don't," Jungkook sternly yelled, throwing his hand back in frustration.
The man jumped at the movement, ducking in fear,"don't hurt me oh powerful avatar!"
"What? I'm not going to hurt you, I help people."
"You've caused nothing but trouble for this village," a frail man shouted, clothes differing from the others.
"How have I caused trouble? This is my first time in this village."
"It's you avatars in general. Ever since your stories were spread around, these weird monsters started appearing!"
Jungkook effortlessly jumped off from the 4 story float landing directly in front of the man.
"How is that my fault? Am I supposed to apologize for being born an avatar?"
"No, you just need to atone for your sins."
"Fine, I'll 'atone for my sins,'" Jungkook air quoted,"Do I get a trial."
"Of course," the man smirked.
"Was the guillotine style cuffs really necessary," Jungkook complained to what he found out was the ruler of the village.
"From what you've caused, you don't get options. I guess because you're the avatar you expect some kind of special treatment," the man mocked," your trial will be held tomorrow at sunset."
With one final glare, he walked away, head held high.
"Don't worry Kookie, we'll try to find a way to get you out."
Jungkook rolled his eyes,"just what I want, the two dumbest people in the world running my trial. I'm doomed."
"Have some faith," Hoseok laughed,"we'll be back after we investigate the so called creatures that have been showing up around here."
They bid Kookie farewell and headed into the village.
"So how exactly are we supposed to prove that Kookie is innocent? We haven't even seen these creatures."
"Then maybe we just need to ask around," Hoseok shrugged,"hopefully if we find one of these creatures it'll give us a clue as to why they're appearing."
Taehyung nodded then ran up to an unsuspecting street vendor.
"Hello," he yelled with a huge grin plastered to his face,"I'm Taehyung and I was wondering about the monsters that have slaughtered a ton of people in this village."
Hoseok swiftly hit him on the back of the head,"what my insensitive friend means is that we're wondering where you could find the creatures that have been attacking."
"Oh you mean the Shadow Stalkers?"
"Shadow Stalkers? That's a dumb name," Taehyung mumbled earning an elbow in the stomach from the raven haired boy.
"What can you tell us about them?"
"They're these black masses that appear from little vortex openings, I'm not sure how to explain it really."
"Where can we find one?"
"There's a song the kids sing so they know when to head home and what to avoid. If I can remember it I think it goes like this, 'where the wind blows, you may be near, when the storm shows, the shadows appear.'"
"That doesn't sound creepy at all," Hoseok nervously chuckled then turned to the vendor,"Thank you, you helped us out a lot."
The vendor smiled while waving them off,"it's not that big of a deal, many people wonder about the Shawdows. Be safe."
The two nodded as they left.
"I say we just bust Kookie out. It's not like we'll come back to this village anyway," Hoseok suggested.
Taehyung smirked,"this doesn't have to do with the fact that you're scared, does it?"
"Pfft, me? Scared? Don't make me laugh."
"If you're not scared then let's go find a shadow thing."
"Fine! Let's go find a shadow thing, I'll defeat one on my own," he boasted,"I'm not scared."
"Of course not," Taehyung smiled at Hoseok's stoic face while chuckling at his out of place wobbly legs.
It hadn't taken long of wandering around the silent forest for a blast of wind to fly through the trees, leaves showing where the current went.

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