You May Say I'm a Dreamer

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Hello! Greetings! As always don't get your hopes up and- BEEEP BEEEP BEEEEEEEP
I interrupt this scheduled a/n for an important announcement:
I want to take a moment to appreciate you, yes you... the reader. Even if you are a silent reader (you sneaky one you) I appreciate you even taking a portion out of your day, your life, your afterlife to read this story. The comments, views, votes, anything really, they all motivate me to write more. So thank you. :) that is all my good people ~enjoy (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)~

As soon as the group entered the water tribe, Seokjin bid them farewell and headed to the leader's room. He needed to talk to the chief about everything. He needed guidance.
He stood in front of the large blue doors and lightly knocked. From the barely audible 'come in', he made his entrance.

"Ah, Seokjin, you're back! You should've told me ahead of time so I could've prepared a banquet," the older man smiled, but it soon faded as he took in the other's expression,"is something wrong?"

"I have a lot to tell you and I need your guidance."

"Then don't just stand there my boy, come in, come in," the man waved over, standing from his seat and shuffling over,"what's it about?"

"The Shadows."


"I don't know what he found out to make him want to come all the way over here, but until he gets back what should we do?" Taehyung asked, obviously bored.

"We could go penguin sledding," Namjoon offered,"I heard one of the kids talking about it."

Taehyung quickly perked up,"penguin sledding? Sounds fun! Let's go!"

"I don't know," Yoongi spoke with nonchalance,"sounds dumb."

"Don't be a stick in the mud. It won't be fun unless we all go. Come on Yoongi," Jungkook tried.

"I'd much rather be sleeping than doing something so foolish," he crossed his arms, already heading in the opposite direction when he was suddenly lifted off the ground.

"Don't worry, I've got him. Lead the way Taehyungie!"

"Jimin! Put me down!"

"Not unless you willingly go with us."

"Of course I won't."

"Then looks like you're staying up there. You can just ride with me so your blindness doesn't give you an excuse."

Yoongi tried wriggling around to no avail, instead giving up halfway and slumping over the other's shoulder in defeat.

~*         ~*

"Wah! Look at all the Penguin Otters!" Hoseok exclaimed when they reached a clan of them,"I bet I could catch one first."

"Please, if anyone is going to get one it'll be me," Jungkook boasted, running after him.

"Nu-uh, it'll be me," Taehyung yelled, following behind.

"Should I tell them the locals said it was impossible to catch one without a fish," Namjoon whispered.

Jimin shook his head, smirking,"no, I think it'll be funner this way."

And indeed it had been, as Hoseok attempted to tackle one, barely missing and landing face first in a pile of snow. Jungkook on the other hand stayed low to the ground, sneaking up behind one and trying to grab it only for it to dodge at the last minute. Meanwhile, Taehyung went wild, chasing after every one that so much as looked his way, yelling at the top of his lungs that he was their friend and meant no harm. It was amusing to say the least.
Namjoon and Jimin, after watching for a few minutes, decided it was best to end the others' pointless squabbling.
Namjoon opened his bag, pulling out a single piece of fish, and held it out to the animals. Chuckling, they quickly froze when a chill ran down their spines, and as they looked around they noticed all eyes on them. Every penguin in the vicinity's attention was on that small fish. In an instant they were completely swarmed. Beaks, and feathers everywhere.

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