The Full Moon

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Hurray! It's the continuation! This is heavily inspired by the episode The Puppetmaster (my all time favorite Avatar episode) p.s can you tell who my bias is? xD
"I- I don't remember."

Yoongi felt his heart drop into the furthest depths of his emotions. Grim reality had set in. Jimin wasn't conscious during his confession.

"What events do you recall?"

"I'm not exactly sure. I remember being in the room then waking up here with Yoongi."

"You- you don't remember anything between that?" Yoongi eagerly asked with slight hesitation.

Jimin shook his head,"no. Was I supposed to?"

Yoongi visibly deflated,"no, no, I was just wondering."

"So Jimin, aren't you upset that your busty vixen is gone? The solstice is over so we won't be seeing her anymore," Taehyung interrupted, noticing the older's upset expression.

"Not at all. Good riddance to her!"

"Won't you be lonely? You don't have eye candy to chase after anymore."

"It's fine. I've got my pale, pink haired beautiful Yoongi after all," Jimin chuckled, pulling the older closer to him jokingly.

The other's faces were almost comedic as piece after piece was put together and the light bulbs lit up almost simultaneously. Pink hair, pale skin? Was it merely a coincidence? Not at all. Yoongi wished he could wipe what he knew were shit eating grins off the others' faces, as he was smothered by the one person who managed to always make his emotions run wild.
Jimin, on the other hand, just glanced up and looked at them with a curious expression,"what?"

"Oh nothing. We're just thinking about an interesting future is all."
Yoongi swore they sounded like a gossiping house of school girls with the giggling that followed.

"Speaking of the future," Seokjin cut in, pulling out the scrolls,"I think I'm figuring out what the importance of these scrolls are. Each scroll somehow connects to the shadows, what they want, where they appear, and their objective. I just need time to know one hundred percent what they represent. First is TCOTL, it should stand for something."

"I know!" Taehyung shouted,"The Cult Of The Lemons! Explains why bad guys are always so sour."

Seokjin face palmed before glancing up at the younger,"hey Tae, how about you go buy food for our journey? I'll let you pick whatever you want."

Taehyung's eyes lit up as he snatched the money and ran toward the market without so much as a word.

"As I was saying, the second is the scroll with the Boiling Rock. Somehow that facility has something to do with the Shadows."

"Do you think it could be where they were created?" Hoseok curiously asked.

"It could be... but I think there's something else to it."

The group continued dwelling on it when Jimin spotted Taehyung running toward them.

"Tae? Didn't you just leave to the markets?"

"Clouds! Grey! Storm!" Taehyung frantically shouted through deep breaths. As if on cue a loud rumble echoed in the air.

"I don't get it," Yoongi frowned,"what the hell do clouds have to do with anything?"

"They're here," Jungkook answered.


"The shadows."


"We need to get people back to their houses," Jungkook instructed.

"They should be okay. I heard some kids singing the rhyme earlier. For now we need to protect the tribe," Namjoon proclaimed.

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