Halloween Special: Scarenstein Hallows

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Surprise! I was supposed to release this earlier but I realized I hadn't finished it which really set me back. Anyway! It's never too late to celebrate Halloween, if not, then for an early Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) :D
Some parts are a bit rushed, but chu know


"Yeah, haven't you guys heard of it?"

The group frowned, glancing around to see the others' expressions, but all were met with shrugs and head shakes.

Taehyung groaned," I cannot believe you guys have never heard of Halloween. It's an awesome holiday the people in the SouthWest celebrate! There's even an island called 'Scarenstein Hollows'. We should go!"

"Tae, we don't have time for that. We've already lost more time than we can afford having to gather everyone together. We need to get to the water tribe," Seokjin reasoned,"I'm sure this 'Halloween' can be celebrated on another day."

"No," Taehyung sternly replied,"this Halloween is a holiday that's ending soon. I don't want to miss it."

Seokjin let out a long sigh, eyeing Namjoon for help.
The taller male on the other hand took one look into the younger's big sad eyes followed by a stuck out pouted lip, and....


"You're such a sucker," Seokjin spat, arms crossed and eyes wandering everywhere except the other.

"Oh come on! You would've caved too if he looked at you with those damn puppy eyes," Namjoon defended, trying to get the older's attention.

"There's no point in arguing now," Jimin pointed out,"it looks like we're here."

Jungkook quickly turned to look at where the ferry was heading, curious to see the island. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. The entire island was far from anything he expected. From the distance, the sole mountain appeared to be in the shape of a skull that Jungkook swore looked like it was glowing orange. Purple, green, and orange lights seemed to emanate from different sections of the land, likely the towns. Aside from the few colors, the rest of it was completely black, 'probably caused by the shadow cast over the island from the lack of sun', Jungkook thought to himself. All creepy things aside, it was clear the island was probably one of the coolest things he'd seen. The boat continued to make its way to the shore, but the closer it got, the more uneasy he began to feel. A chill ran up his spine when a huge wave managed to rattle the ferry.
As soon as the boat neared, a thick mysterious fog began to engulf the sailer, and suddenly Jungkook wasn't sure the island was as cool as he thought it was.
"I- I don't like this," Jungkook frowned.

"Nonsense!" Taehyung smacked his back,"we haven't even gotten off the boat! I'm sure when we give the place a try it'll get better."

"Normally I'm okay with your schemes, but I don't feel right about this-" Jungkook was suddenly thrown forward. He grabbed ahold of the side of the ship just in time to prevent himself from falling head first onto the floor.

"Land ho!" The captain shouted.

"Ah shit," Yoongi cursed while rubbing his back," you're supposed to say that crap when you spot land not when you've hit it."

"What's done is done. Now then Landlubbers. Be warned that once ye step foot on this here island, ye ain't comin' back til the mornin'," the man pointed his hook in Hoseok's direction, who hid behind Yoongi,"it ain't much, but here'sa word of advice. If ye come across one of them creatures in the woods, blow the man down. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING good lurks in them trees. Never trust someone in the darkness. You're only safe in the towns during the day as they stop at nothing to take ye down. Remember: Dead men tell no tales."

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