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Heyo! You may be wondering what the pic above is... It's the picture I took from my spot at KCON LA! Still can't believe I saw them perform from so close! :D I was lucky enough to get an amazing spot on not just one night but both! I had tons of fun but enough about meee, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

"What do you mean no?" Jimin asked in surprise.

"Didn't you hear what I said? The world is at stake..." Jungkook repeated.

"That's not really my problem."

"But it's the world you currently reside in therefore making it your problem," Jimin argued.

"I already said no so stop being so damn persistent, you're getting on my nerves," Suga complained, ripping his wrist out of Jimin's hold and walking out of the tavern.

"Nice, we waste our time coming all the way out to this tavern in the middle of nowhere, outside of Ba Sing Se, just to get rejected on the spot," Hoseok pointed out," I think this is our best persuading yet."

Jungkook shook his head," no, I'm not letting it end like that. I went through all that trouble to get all of you and he's no different."

Jimin watched the younger closely as he pulled up his hands to form a circle around his mouth.

"I have a question for you," Jungkook suddenly called out.

The male sighed but stopped anyway, curiosity piqued,"and what question could you possibly have?"

"Your eyes-"

"What about them," Suga suddenly snapped.

"I heard you endured an experiment, yet your eyes..." Jungkook trailed off.

Suga stared at him then eyed the others," I'm not one to go spouting my life story to strangers, so put simply it wasn't my choice, it was my parent's at the time. They didn't want 'royalty' to have imperfections, they saw me as a crippled, an imperfection, so against my wishes I went through it."

"Then why are your eyes a shade of grey?"

"Well as expected, there's no true way in this era to repair something as important as eyesight, but the experiment wasn't a complete failure. I switch between the two every so often, you'll know by the way my eye color changes, not that it really matters."

They all looked at him, confused,"what do you mean?"

"I mean I can technically see even when my eyes are grey."

They stared at each other before realization hit them. Hoseok's face lit up in understanding," that's how you've been able to look in the direction we're standing."

"Wow, congratulations, you just gained some common sense," the male sassed,"I feel the vibrations off your body by using the earth to help me see, it's kind of a long story. Besides, I don't plan on staying with you guys long enough for you to see my eye color change," the man stated as he turned in the opposite direction, but before he could get far Jimin was in front of him hands on his shoulders, preventing him from moving.


The man scowled at Jimin, who ignored it,"we need you to come with us."


"We keep telling you why. As Jungkook partially explained we're part of a prophecy, but there's more, there's these creatures...," Jimin started but stopped, deciding to try to relate to the other instead," And because, we're like you, we have the ability to control all the elements."

"That's nice to know, but how that fully concerns me is not one I care to find out, you don't even know if I can bend the elements, now if you'll excuse me," Suga tried pushing the boy out of the way but was surprised when he didn't budge.

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