The Earth Prince

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They strolled along the path, the locals bidding them well, eyes fixated on Seokjin.

"I guess you're popular here."

"Considering I'm known as the beauty of the water tribe it's kind of a given. The brats like to call me princess for whatever reason."

"Well your beauty is not one of false advertisement," Namjoon nervously blurted.

Seokjin turned around, staring at the male," I prefer the word looks or handsome, beauty is so... Feminine. I was using it sarcastically. I'm a prince, and a good fighter at that, yet they treat me as though I'm a dainty damsel in distress."

"I apologize, I didn't mean to upset you, but to be fair we've seen you fight so we can back up that claim."

Seokjin smirked as he turned back around to continue walking,"you haven't even seen the extent of my abilities."

"Then I look forward to the time that I can admire them."


"I hope lilac will be okay... I hope she finds her way back... She won't miss me too much will she?"

"Jimin!" Jungkook interrupted the male's rambling,"I'm sure she's fine, she's probably the smartest creature I've seen."

"You're right, she is pretty phenomenal. What am I worried for?"

"I'm glad you see that."

"Then again... she does get distracted easily and then there's always the chance of hunters," Jimin started with his nervous rant again.

Jungkook rolled his eyes,"again, she'll be fine plus she has the other two. They know you would've brought them along if you could so it's okay Jimin, alright?"

Jimin nodded his head in response.

"Alright! Then it's time to wait for Namjoon and Seokjin at the center of town."


By the time they met up, the sun had already started to set and they were all too tired to make plans.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow," Hoseok complained,"I need to stay beautiful and for that to happen I need sleep."

"Calm down Hoseok, you are a horse, you will be fine, and we need to figure out where we're going."

"Why does it matter? Shouldn't six be enough, it already sounds like one too many," Hoseok complained, pointing to Jimin who stuck his tongue out.

"The prophecy says seven not six, Mr Hope," Namjoon mocked," are you sure your name isn't JHope? Cause you seem to be the most optimistic."

"Har har," Hoseok waved the comment off.

"Hope? More like JHoe," Jimin teased.

"Alright you brat," Hoseok pointed a finger,"I think it's time you settled down for the night."

They stared at him in curiosity as he whipped around Jimin, fingers raised, and started poking different sections. Slowly Jimin crumpled to the floor, limbs placed in weird positions.

"What'd you do to me?" Jimin mumbled from the floor.

"Pressure points," Hoseok smirked.

"How'd you do that?" Taehyung asked in awe.

"The Kyoshi Warriors taught me," Hoseok chuckled,"you didn't think I was there doing nothing did you?"

"Could you show me how to fight like that?"

The Seven Wonders (BTS eventual Yoonmin fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora