Lurking Knowledge

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Hello! I just finished this chapter and was going to post it tomorrow, but I thought why not post it as an early Christmas gift! :D so I thought about this and the story is going to be a total of 24 chpt.! That way I won't drag it on :) anyway, Merry Christmas! Enjoy~

"This is so boring," Jungkook whined.

"Ugh, it's been 2 days and we haven't found a single thing, and I've become two shades darker than my original skin color! Anymore sun and I'm going to turn Seokjin's favorite color," Taehyung  complained,"I'm starting to think this place doesn't exist."

"Are you guys doubting me," Yoongi asked, clearly offended.

"It's been 2 whole days," Jungkook explained," you can't blame us for questioning this. We've been going around the spot marked on the map for awhile now and haven't come across anything, not even a clue."

"I can't believe this," Yoongi pouted.

"When you see something then you can tell us otherwise."

"If I see somethi- oh my gosh! There it is," Yoongi exclaimed, making everyone jump up and shift to look over.

Yoongi scoffed, waving a hand in front of his eyes," oh wait, that's right..."

"Hah, you're hilarious hyung, that wasn't what I meant," Jungkook rolled his eyes, the others following his motion, positioning themselves back in their spots.

"So is there a specific scroll you were trying to get to?"

"Yeah it's an earthbending scroll from way back in history. I'm always looking for ways to improve my bending so I've been wanting to get my hands on it for awhile."

"And the scroll's location?"

"The scroll should be somewhere in that library, but it's just a matter of figuring out where the library is in the first place."

"Are you sure this place even exists Yoongi? If it did then we could learn a lot but the desert is a ginormous place, it could take weeks maybe months to find it."

"I'm positive it exists, I already gave you the map. I just don't know the exact location...."

"Very helpful, we appreciate the honesty."

"Well it's not like I know where most places or things are, not like I'm blind or anything," Yoongi rolled his eyes,"I feel like we've been over this before."

"But you switch between the two. Speaking of which, when do you think the next time you'll be able to see again will be?"

"No clue, it happens at a random. It usually fluctuates with my emotions, but I don't think that'll be the case this time. Hopefully it'll be after we find the scroll so I can read it or one of you will have to for me."

"I swear it feels like we're looking for the lost city of Atlantis. Do you think we'll find mermaids in the library?"

"No Hoseok, but there just might be a ghost or two, it was originally a library for the spirit world after all," Yoongi grinned as Hoseok noticeably paled.

"We're avatars Hoseok, we're supposed to be in touch with the spirits not afraid of them," Seokjin sighed," and Yoongi stop teasing everyone."

Yoongi shrugged, looking over at Hoseok,"haven't you been visited by Avatar Roku?"


"Don't tell me you tried to run away from him," Jungkook suddenly laughed.

"What do you expect someone to do when a blue orb of a person appears in your hallway at night?! 'Oh hello floating apparition, would you like some tea?' That's ludicrous!"

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