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"What does Julia need, Miss?" I scrambled through my mind to remember why I was here. He had me sitting in front of his desk for 15 minutes while he read through his emails. He honestly seemed like he had much better things to do than be here right now. Douche.

"Kira. My names Kira." I started but he interrupted me by raising his hand slightly as if he was telling me to shut up.

"Get on with it. I'm very busy." I blinked a couple times before scrambling to my notes to figure out what I needed to say to him.

"Julia wants the style notebook and she also wants to know if you are going to Okino's tonight." I looked up to see him smiling at me. He looked at me up and down examining me.

"You're the new assistant. You know what happened to the old one?" I gulped down my nervousness shaking my head. Why can't he be like everyone else and just give me what I need so I can leave?

"She had a panic attack trying to get this same notebook from Vince Camuto. You seem different from the others." He stood up circling around his desk, sitting on the edge in front of me. He kept staring at me very sternly as if he was examine me like a sick patient. I felt a little embarrassed underneath his gaze but in this type of job I have to be tough.

"How long have you had that coat?" I shrugged giving him a weird look. He chuckled grabbing onto it rubbing the material between his big hands. His hands were so big and veiny, I wanted to be wrapped up into his strong hands. This man is going to be the death of me.

"It's just some old hand me down from my sister." He chuckled again handing me my coat.

"Silly girl. This comes from 'Pia' my fall collection in 2007. Sold over $38 million just for the design. But you prefer it as a hand me down. Know what and who your wearing before you speak to another designer." I've never really had a client pick apart my outfit let alone speak to me on my appearance besides my weight.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'll take note on that." I slumped back afraid to say anything else. What was I going to say? 'Fuck you! It's my coat don't worry about what I call it!' No, I'd lose my job.

"I like you Miss Kira. Usually, a person would be squirming at the thought of talking to the designer of the clothing they wear." My face was probably beet red at this moment. He stared into my eyes somemore making me shift my weight in the leather chair.

"Will you be coming to Okino's tonight?" I shook my head rapidly. Only the head assistant goes to important meetings. And this had to be important since Julia is taking off early to go there.

"Let me reassure you Miss Kira. I don't work for Julia. She doesn't scare me. I would really appreciate it if you would accompany us to Okino's." My cheeks heated up as he pressed more on the subject. Why does he want me to go so bad?

"Think about it." He gave me the notebook and held his hand out to me. I looked at it for a minute then grasped onto it hauling myself out of the chair. Not letting my hand go, Luciano walked me to the door.

"Tell Julia to give me a call then I'll decide if I want to go or not." I stepped out the door releasing his hand. I stared at him for a moment until I heard my phone beep. I took it out my pocket staring at the message. Shit, it's Julia. 'Where's my damn coffee?'

"You better get going before you end up like the others." Luciano chuckled shutting his door in my face. He was so rude. But he had a charming demeanor to him.

I quickly made my to the elevator. The demon would be waiting for me back at the office.
I came into Julia's office a couple minutes late and she is still bitching about it.

"And my coffee is cold." I sighed trying to hold my tongue. This bitch asked for an iced coffee. It's suppose to be cold, hoe.

"Anyways what did Luciano say. Is he coming to Okino's?" I tensed up at hearing is name.

"Ummm, he said umm for you to call him and then he will decide." She stammered over to her phone in a rush. Picking up the phone she straightened out her pencil skirt and shook out her hair. What's up her ass?

"Yes, Mr. Luciano. My assistant told me you needed me to call you?" She looked at me with disgust. She hummed into the phone listening to whatever he was telling her.

"Why do you want her to come?" Julia looked back to me, her face contorted. I looked down blushing. Luciano must be asking if I could go to Okino's with them.

"Okay. Thank you. I'll see you at 8:00." She slammed the phone down and glared at me.

"What did you say to him?" She was beyond pissed. I've never seen her this worked up. This job was great while I had it.

"I j-just t-told him w-hat you s-said." Fuck, she hates stuttering. She says it makes a person unsure of their self and she doesn't want to speak to anyone who doesn't know what they're talking about.

She then stomped over to the rack that held her coat and purse. She wasn't going to yell at me?

"Be there by 8:00 if your late, I will fire you and if you embarrass me, I will fire you." She stomped out of the room leaving me to sit there with my thoughts. This is huge. Im going to a business meeting.
"That's great. Your getting up their girl!" Raven and Kaihe were drinking wine on my bed. It's wine Wednesday, so we're supposed to be drinking wine and watching The Walking Dead but I have the meeting tonight. I already told them about what happened with Luciano and Julia. Raven thinks Luciano wants me while Kai thinks he's trying to get me fired. I don't know. All I know is Luciano is an interesting person and I was dying to know more about him.

"Are you 2 just going to drunk talk or are you going to help me pick out an outfit?" They giggled at me downing there drinks. Raven got up and left the room getting more wine.

"First of all we're tipsy. Second your the fashion person." Kai stood up and went to my closet picking out a tight black dress. I forgot I even had that. It was about mid thigh with a quarter length sleeve. It had a small slit up the side and a bundle of fabric bunch up at the hip. The dress was plain but bold enough to make a statement.

Raven walked into the room drinking straight out of the wine bottle. I picked out a pair of blue strappy pumps and quickly got dressed. I put on light natural looking makeup along with diamond earring and Michael Khors watch.

I looked into the mirror and I immediately started to pick out my insecurities. My stomach was too pudgy. My hips are too wide. My thighs touch and make dimples when I stand up straight. I need to stop. I told myself that I was going to love myself. No matter what. 'I look good' I told my self in the mirror before walking out the bathroom.

"How do I look?" I walked back into my room. Raven and Kai were already watch another TV show on my bed.

"You look great. Make sure you bring me back a plate." Raven said drinking some more wine and eating her cookie.

"Me too and don't get pregnant." Kai yelled out as I grabbed my coat and clutch. I giggle thinking about Luciano.

"Don't fuck up my room." I yelled back at both of them. Right when I said that Raven knocked over her glass of wine on my grey bed sheets. Now I'm gonna have to replace those.

I walked to the door ready for the dinner. My first important meeting. I can't let Julia down. Here goes nothing.
•I hope you enjoy this story.
Not sure if I should continue this story or not. Comment and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading|Kira😘

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