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"Theo you can't expect to just barge into David's compound and kill him." Lain was sitting on the couch with his leg propped by 2 pillows. He rubbed his temples defeated like everyone else in the room. We were all exhausted from the hours of planning we've been doing to try and get my friends back.

"Lain's right, he's bound to have about 30 to 40 people just on sight. We've dealt with him before, he's going to have people lurking that we can't see." A guy known as Glenn spoke up. I remember him as the guy that was supposed to come and stitch up Lain after he was shot but he never came. He was a tall dirty blonde with thick glasses, he was very prim and proper kind of like Lain and Theo. As for the other 2 guys, they were all scruffy and smelled of weed.

"Yeah and the last time he attacked without warning when we're trying to 'talk' so I'm not trusting this at all. I say we get Berta on board and take these fuckers out." One of the dirty boys blew a puff a smoke. The white thick smoke spread out through the room coming in contact with my nose making me nearly cough my lungs out. I have asthma and I seriously hate the smell of smoke but this is worse because it's the loud smell of marijuana.

I looked up to see all eyes were on me. My face heated up and I tried to lower my coughing by burying my face in my sleeve but it wasn't working.

"Aye, take that out." I heard Theo say to the guy. He chuckled before inhaling the blunt again and blew a huge puff of smoke in my direction. You know what, I've had it today. First, I get bombarded by Nina Garcia's nearly impossible task, then I get two twig bitches calling me names, plus my best friend and sister gets kidnapped. One too many strikes today and I refuse to have some lame ass pothead bozo blow smoke in my face.

Standing up from the couch I stomped over to the guy and snatched the weed away from him then proceeded to stick it in a glass of water. I turned back around to see a look of shock on Lain and the others guys face but Theo looked as if he was proud of me.

"That was fifty dollars' worth of weed, dude!" He jumped up from his seat as if he were going to strike me. But the minute he reached his hand to me Theo and Lain jumped in front of me.

"Keep your cool Sav." Lain said with a warning. I stepped further behind Theo grabbing onto his shirt. All of my adrenaline whipped away the minute this Sav guy nearly hit me. I've never been in an altercation and I would not like to have my first fight with a gang member.

"Keep your bitch on a leash then." He spat sitting back on the recliner again. My face twisted and I whimpered at his words. I was use to people calling me names but it's just embarrassing that Theo has now witness me being bullied twice, in one day.

There was a pause before Theo walked over to Sav grabbing him by the neck of his hoodie. Theo was a big guy but Sav was a little big beefier than him.

"Let me hear you speak to her like that again and you're dead. Got me?" Theo's voice was so calm and yet menacing all at once. I can't lie and say that I didn't quiver at his tone. Sav slowly nodded his head, his face held an emotion I know all too well as 'scared shitless'.

"Alright, let's get back on topic." Lain addressed the entire room as Theo shoved Sav into the recliner.

"Where were we?" Theo fixed himself as he made his way to the couch next to me. He sat closely putting his arm on the back of the sofa and slightly leaning into me as if he was showing his dominance.

"Sav mentioned Berta as a solution." The other scruffy guy spoke up. He seemed shy and more laid back than Sav. Silenced had filled the room and I finally looked to Theo to see him deep in thought.

"I haven't been in contact with her since Big Theo died." Lain said rubbing his neck.

"Who's that?" I obviously didn't know who these people were but I was curious now.

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