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"How'd it go?" I walked into the apartment tired and starving. Those 2 idiots kept me there until 10:00. What makes it worse, they know I have work for Julia in the morning.
I should have said no and saved myself the drama. All this work has me cranky and it doesn't help that I haven't eaten since 12:00.

"It was okay. We start paper tomorrow then on Monday. I do my photoshoot." I went into the kitchen finding some left over and heating that up.

"I thought you were just designing for them? You're gonna be a model?" Raven shouted. I smiled at her nodding my head.

"Holy shit girl! Make sure you talk about me when you get famous." She laughed taking a piece of my teriyaki chicken.

"Where is Kaihe?" I took my food sitting on the couch. Raven followed along plopping down next to me.

"She has a date." I almost chocked on my food. My sister has a date? She's so shy and kept to herself it's hard to believe that she has a date but over all im excited for her.

"With who? Do we know him?" She didn't tell me anything, she just said she had a date and that she would be back by 12:00.

"So that guy you brought earlier, he gotta brother?" She wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed out loud, probably louder than I should have.

I finished my food putting the dish in the sink. As I was walking to my room I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?!" I shouted. Who the hell is at the door at 10 something?

I swung the door open fast, basically because I was annoyed that this person is keeping me from going to sleep.

"You got my money?" Dave stepped into our apartment. If he wasn't our landlord I would have shoved him out but we kind of need this place. It's affordable and doesn't smell like sewer water.

"Umm, not today." I mumbled playing with my fingers. He was kind of scary. He was about 5'11, kind of build with tons of tattoos. He wore a white t- shirt all the time and Dark skinny jeans that went well with whatever type of shoe he wore. He look like a hot fuckboy.

"You didn't have it yesterday nor the day before. I'd hate have to give you all a notice." He peered down at me. I shrunk back scared of what might happen.

"I promise we will have it. We've all been struggling over the past month. You know with tuition and stuff." He started laughing at me like it was the funniest thing I've said.

"You know, I saw you hanging out with that guy yesterday. Why was he here?" I scoffed with an attitude.

"That had nothing to do with you. Look, we'll get your fucking money now get out." I tried shoving him but he grabbed my wrist and slammed my back against the wall.

"Let her go David!" Raven screamed from the other side of the room. I could here her foot steps get closer and j saw her hands pulling his shirt.

"Watch who you talk to sweetheart. And I'd do a better background check before bringing a Luciano into my complex." With out another word he dropped my hand glaring at Raven and I.

"You have till 6:00 tomorrow." He huffed opening the door. At the right moment Kaihe stood at the door holding a bag of food and her mystery guy.

"What happens at 6?" She looked between us with a look of concern. David then stomped out the door with out another word.

"What the hell just happened?" Kaihe sat down her purse and took off her shoes. Raven and I were sat on the couch still trying to process this all.

"Do you think he's serious this time?" Raven looked to me. To be honest I didn't know. I didn't know what to think. Since I'm going to business and fashion school I've picked up a couple of traits on dealing with 'simple' minded people.

Usually David would take some weed. Let's just say I know a guy who sells. It's a common trade, very useful. But today is all different. I wonder why? And how does he knew who Lain and Theo were.

"How much?" I asked Kaihe. She does the bills because she went to school for accounting. She rubbed her forehead looking at the envelopes of bills.

"852." She mumbled putting her head in her hands. Raven slumped back in the couch.

"How the fuck are we going to get that kind of money?" Raven looked like she was going to cry. I didn't know until I put my face in my hands that I was already crying.

"What are we going to do?" Kaihe looked to me. I usually have a solution to our problems but I guess this time I don't have the answer.

"Let's sleep on it for tonight then we can talk about it in the morning." I sniffled getting up to go to bed.

I did my normal night time routine of washing my face, french braiding my hair, and putting on pj's. The only thing that wasn't normal was my constant crying. I couldn't help it. This is the worst thing that's happened in a long time. And I'm use to having bad things happen to me.

I lugged my feet from my bathroom into my bed. My pillow seemed so far away as my head flew down to catch the soft fabric. Right when my head hit the pillow my eyes shut. I was almost completely asleep when my phone started to ring.

"Who the fuck is calling me at night?" I grumbled getting up to go to my dresser. I fell on a pair of boot hitting my shin on the bed.

"Shit." I reached out to my dresser and picked up the phone. With out reading who it was I answered the phone.

"Ow, HELLO?" I asked rudely. A laugh sounded on the other end making me realize it was Lain calling me.

"That's not how you speak to your boss, sweetheart." I stood up fast smoothing out my pajamas as if he was standing in front of me.

"Sorry, I'm not really having the best day." I sniffled somemore feeling like I was going to cry again. Oh no, don't cry. Please don't cry on the phone with him. My breath hitched scared that I was going to let out a whimper of a cry.

"Are you crying? Are you okay?" That's it. That's all it took for me to let out a cry. This was so inappropriate. I'm going to be fired and today was my first day.

"What happened, Kira?" I sniffled trying to compose my self. Then I just let my heart sing. Why not right? I hung out with him just today and he basically knows almost everything about me, why not tell him this.

"My landlord wants to kick us out and he's mean and big and he hates us. And now he's holding a grudge on us because he saw you with me. I shouldn't have moved out of my parents house. It was a dumb idea to come to New York. I shouldn't be here." I rambled on. I wasn't making any sense, even to myself.

"Wait wait. He hates you because he saw you with ME?" I nodded as if he could see me.

"Yes." I wiped the back of my hand on my face. He sighed. I could almost picture him running his large hand through his shiny brown hair.

"What his name, again?" I sighed getting annoyed. Why does he care about his name? I just poured my soul out to him and he's worried about some fuck boys name?

"David. I don't know his last name." I grumbled mad. He made a sound, almost like a gasp? I'm not really sure.

"You need to get out of that apartment." The phone stayed silent for a little bit then the line went dead. My cries had immediately stopped. What was that about?
I think I'm back on track. Thank you for your support. I'm going to try my best and keep updating this story.

PS: go check out my new story ACRYLIC. It's another curvy story. Hope you like it.

Thanks for reading|Kira😘

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