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I woke up feeling worse than what I usually do. Most of the time I'm telling myself that 'I can make it through the day.' 'Words can't hurt me.' 'Fuck everyone else!' But today was different.

I woke up without a smile. I did my morning routine of showering, then makeup, then outfit. And since I had to make it to Julia's office with coffee at 6:30 my outfit wasn't really up to the fashion standards.

Walking to Starbucks was terrible also. It was cold and the snow felt as if it were pouring down like rain. My nose and cheeks were burning and I knew they had to be beet red.

My heart almost dropped when I saw that Starbucks wasn't open yet.  Should have known Starbucks wouldn't open at 5:40 in the morning. How am I going to get Julia's coffee? I might as well go home now, she will for sure fire me if I don't come in at 6:30 on the dot.

"The usual ma'am." Instead of that rude guy from yesterday, it was Rachel giving me a big smile. She is usually here when I order for Julia. She came up to the door unlocking it. I nodded my head and followed her into the small building. I sat at one of the small round tables and waited for Rachel to get the coffee.

About 10 minutes passed and Rachel came around the corner with the 2 drinks and a bagel.

"Here you go." She sat down in front of me. I looked at her in confusion taking the items from her.

"But I only asked for the usual?" She nodded her head smiling at me.  She gave me this look of sympathy, like she felt bad that I lost my puppy or something.

"You look like you could use a pick me up. What's going on? Your always so happy and bubbly." I sighed I could feel my face heating up more.

"My job is draining me. I don't think I chose the right career." My eyes began to well up. My mother was right. I'm too sensitive for this career, I don't think I'm gonna make it.

She patted my shoulder and gave me look. More of a 'everything will be alright' look.

Instead of staying to chat with me, she went in the back and started to prepare for the morning rush. I finally decided to stand up and leave when a guy walked in all dressed up. He was dressed head to toe in designer clothing, leaving me to assume that he worked in the industry. My eyes racked over him from his perfectly shined shoes to his beautiful almost feminine like face. Wait, I've seen him before.

When I finally made it up to his hair, I recognized him as the guy who worked for Luciano. Shit, I don't want him to see me like this, especially in this outfit. I look like a nightmare and knowing how he treated me the first time I met him. I don't know what he would say now.

I looked down at my phone and coffee noting that it was 6:11 and I should be running to Julia's office. Dammit, I know he's gonna say something.

I got up from my chair, my head hanging low and my eyes fixated on my shoes.

"Hey, your with the flower shirt, right? The Devils Assistant!" At first I was all gloomy and embarrassed but that comment really brightened my day.

I did a weird laugh that caused him to burst out laughing along with me.

"She really is that bad isn't she?" I said grabbing the rest of my thing. He laughed some more holding onto his stomach.

"She's a nightmare. I use to work for her until I found the job opening at Luciano's." He nodded at me. Wow, he's the first person I've met that had quit working for Julia and is still working in the industry.

"You should think about Luciano's. I think it would be better for you. Plus, he already likes you." My head shot up from his comment. I know I'm probably thinking more of it than it actually is, but he likes me!

"How? What makes me so special?" It sort of just came out like that. I did t mean to be rude but, I don't get how Luciano can even tolerate me.

"Ask him yourself. I'm going back to the office after I get breakfast you should come." I shook my head imediately at his offer. Not only because I'm afraid to see Luciano but Julia will have my head.

"Julia will grow another head if I don't come in." I looked down at my Michael Khors watch seeing that I had only 15 minutes to get to Julia's office before she does.

"I'm gonna be late! Thank you for the offer. It's awesome to have someone in this business be nice to me for a change." I waved bye to him as I quickly jogged out of the door.

I was half way down the street when I hear, "Hey! Wait up!"

I stop midwalk and turn around to see the guy running up to me. "Luciano just called me and told me to come to Julia's office. I guess I'll just walk with you." He bumped my side.

"You know. I know your name but do you even know mine?" He said as we came to the giant building. On the front it had Peters & Co. along with Julia and her daughter on a big flat screen tv cascading down the building. It hard to explain but also hard to believe someone would actually put that on a building.

"Okay, what's your name?" He chuckled looking down at me.

"I'm Lain Luciano. I'm his little brother." He giggled looking at me again. I almost spit out my coffee when he looked back at me. He was Luciano's brother, so that means he is the co-founder of Luciano's.

"I see that you are surprised." I nodded my head up and down not able to say anything. But then a thought ran through my mind.

"Why do you work for him if you also own the place?" He chuckled as we got passed security and into Julia's office.

"I don't work for him. He's more business and meetings while I take care of designs, models, and some important errands. Like today, he wants me to talk to Julia about something. C'mon you'll probably love what she's gonna say when I tell her what Luciano wants."
"You're late, 12." I sighed at my nick name. Great now she's gonna embarrass me in front of Lain too.

"Sorry, I got caught up." I handed her, her usual coffee and stood next to her desk. I waited for her to wave at me to have a seat. I'm not allowed to sit in front of her unless she says so.

"Not an excuse. When I say be here at a certain time. I mean it. Take a seat! Why are you standing?Your making me uncomfortable." I quickly sat in front of her. She got up circling me, examining me.

"What are you even wearing? This is a business in trying to run and you embarrass me and make me look bad in front of Lucian-"

"It was my fault, Mrs.Julia. I ran into her at Starbucks and kept her all to myself. Forgive me." Lain interrupted her. She looked taken back for a second. I guess she didn't see that I came in with him. He slyly gave her a smirk and kissed the back of her hand for a couple seconds. Neither one of them breaking eye contact. Gross. He's like 20 and she has got to be in her 40's or 50's. Wait I thought he was gay?

"What brings you here?" Her face flushed as she sneakily flirted with him.

"Luciano sent me, for her." He said straight faced, no longer being charming and flirty.

"Why?" She retracted her hand fast, angry now. Why would Luciano want me?

"He wants her to come and model for our plus size line. He finds her beautiful and intriguing." He smirked at me then back at Julia.

He was right. I did want to see the look on her face.
______________________________•Thank you for reading|Kira😘

Feeling Good|Curvy (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz