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I was tossing and turning in my bed. My eyes finally opened to the 'slightly' sunny out doors. I sighed rolling out of bed and to the kitchen. Mamas gotta eat.

I opened up the fridge ready to see what we've got. During the week Kaihe, would get groceries but since she's been dating this whoever guy I guess she hasn't had time.

"Good morning." Kaihe came into the kitchen with booty shorts and a tank top. I smirked at her almost laughing my ass off.

"Too much dick last night?" She looked annoyed and went straight to the fridge pushing me out the way. She chugged the milk then went back to her room. So much for breakfast.

I searched the entire kitchen for something to eat. Clanging pots, trashing the pantry. I have a craving for something sweet. Mother Nature is telling me chocolate.

"I want donuts." I turned from the pantry to see a groggy looking Raven. What's going on with her?

"What's up with you?" She plopped down on the couch grabbing the blanket on the back.

"I've been stressing over the damn rent. And also I started my period so I'm pissed." I nodded my head randomly snacking on some cheez its.

"Let's go to Dunkin donuts." Kaihe comes out of her room with 2 pairs of shoes and 2 hoodies. She threw each at Raven and I.

"You want me to leave the house wearing this." I looked down at my attire. She didn't really want me to leave the house in some damn pjs.

"Let's go hoe." Raven had already put on her shoes and hoodie running to the door. I quickly followed slipping on the shoes and hoodie. The door slammed behind me making me jump up. I hope I didn't wake any of my neighbors.

Running down the stairs behind Raven and Kaohe was a challenge. They both had a head start so I was a flight away.

"Guys wait for me." When I got down the last step I saw Kaihe and Raven standing still in front of someone. My heart began pounding in my chest when I saw it was Theo.

"Good morning." He was holding 4 Starbucks coffees and a large bag.

We all just stared at him. Kaihe and Raven gaping at him. They've seen Lain, telling me countless times that he was 'fine as hell' I wonder what I'm going to hear about Theo.

"I was hoping to speak to you ladies, if you didn't mind." He looked me in the eyes. My shyness started coming out and I looked down to my feet. I almost shrieked in horror seeing my black and pink puppy dog pants and blue toms. This is not how an aspiring designer should dress.

"You donuts in that bag?" Kaihe blared out. I don't think she really cared who he was. She just wanted to eat.

"Oh, unfortunately I don't. But I do have cake pops and cinnamon bites." Raven grabbed the bag.

"With chocolate sauce?" Kaihe added taking the coffees. He nodded and they both ran up the stairs with the food and drinks.

"Im sorry for my friends. Their vultures." He chuckled showing me his beautiful dimples.

"It's fine. I came to speak to you about a proposition." My face contorted.

"Let's go inside. It's freezing out here and your shivering." I didn't notice I had been hugging my self and chattering until he wrapped his strong arms around me. He led me up the stairs to the apartment and stopped in front of the door.

Feeling Good|Curvy (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now