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"Nicole, sweetheart. What are you doing home?" Theo stepped from behind me lightly brushing my back. I nearly died when I felt his large hand caress the small of my back. He looked frightened like she was a ticking time bomb.

"Honey are you okay?" He walked straight for her cupping her face. She focused on him as he whispered secret words to her. Id be lying if I said I was fine.

"Who is that?" Kaihe whispered among us. I almost forgot they were here for a second. I wish I didn't have to go through this. Their going to think I'm some kind of home wrecker for being so close with Theo.

"That's his fiancé." I mumbled still staring at the 2. Raven gasped spinning me around.

"He has a fucking fiancé and he wants is to stay here?" I looked to the floor. It sounds even worse when she says it aloud.

"He is so in love with you!" Kaihe joined in. I looked at her if she was crazy.

"No way, he has a fiancé." Why would he want me when he has Nicole. The most beautiful model every man wants.

"Why do you think he would go through the trouble of getting us here?" Raven flicked my arm. I flinched and grabbed it.

"Yeah, why do you think he would miss his wedding planning for this?" My eyes went wide. He missed it for me? How did they know that?

"How do you know?" I whispered at them. Kaihe looked at me as if I were dumb.

"Are your friends in your head speaking to loud or something? Little miss perfect just screamed 'You missed planning to come help the needy!'" Both Kaihe and Raven snickered as we looked back at the troubled couple.

A few moments passed and Nicole stomped down the hall to a room at the end of the hall. I looked to Theo to see he had already been looking at me.

"I apologize for that. It was my mistake. I was keeping track of time." Kaihe crossed her arms next to me.

"Mmmmmm, so I'm guessing we can't be here anymore? With you being all 'engaged' and stuff." Kaihe wasn't happy at all. She had the 'fuck with me' face going on and that meant she could blow up at anytime.

"She just over reacts. Nicole doesn't understand that I'm helping you. Cmon let me show you the outside." He started walking with only Raven following him. I stayed back with Kaihe. He didn't really answer her question and I'm not really happy with being his secret. It makes me feel icky.

"What's wrong?" Theo came back looking concerned. Kaihes arms were still crossed and I followed along mimicking her action.

"I know your doing this for Kira but why? You have a fiancé and she apparently isn't happy with all of this." He looks at her with confusion but I understand what she is asking, fully. And I'm 100% with my sister. Why us? What makes us so special?

"What are you getting at?" Kaihe sighed trying to keep her composure.

"Are you stringing us along to just fuck with my sisters head? Kaihe was getting pissed by the second. Theo looked as if he could rip her head off the his eyes looked to my upset face and his facial expression was unreadable. He looked concerned? About me?

"Woah time out. I think we all need to breathe for a second then we can discuss later." Raven stood as the mediator between the two sides. Kaihe stomped off down the stairs with Raven following her pursuit. She looked back at me to see if I were coming. Shaking my head I stayed back with Theo. I wanted to talk to him now not later.

"Kira, will you accompany me outside?" I hesitated then I looked up at him and realized he wasn't asking me. He held out his hand for me to take. I was hesitant but I still laid my hand in his rough palm.

We waked slowly down the staircase past Kaihe and Raven who were walking and discussing something. Probably talking shit about Theo. I know my friends. They looked at me mouthing 'What the fuck' at the same time. I'm gonna be hearing about this later.

Not a word was uttered between the both of us as he led me outside to a large garden. I don't judge but it's a little girlie to see a big scary guy like Theo be into fashion and gardening.

"Why don't you trust me, Kira?" I almost scoffed when I saw him pick a flower. It was pink and the last well looking one. The rest of the flowers looked like they were on the brink of death.

He twirled it in his finger for a second before laying the stem in my hair. His hand lingered on my face for a couple seconds before he realized what he was doing. He looked alittle embarrassed as he walked through the dying flower bushes.

"I don't get why you don't trust me yet. I've tried helping you, bringing you to my family outing and you still don't have trust in me. What else can I give you?" I nearly scoffed. How dare he? He can't buy my trust.

"How about the truth?" He sighed. I could tell he was getting frustrated in me.

"What truth? What do you need to know?" He had no reason to be upset. It was me who needed answers. I needed to know what was going on.

"Why me? Why do you care and how do you know David? You and Lain are keeping all these secrets and its stressing me out because you want me to trust you yet you keep secrets." I tried not to yell but my words just flowed. He looked me over as if he was collecting his thoughts together. Probably thinking of another excuse to not tell me what's going on.

"I don't know how to tell you." He looked defeated like this was the last thing he'd ever want to say.

"Just say it. I can handle it. Stop treating me like I'm broken, I'm fine!" Theo looked at me with a fire in his eyes. If I was high off of adrenaline I would have coward in fear at his deadly look. He's probably never had anyone yell at him before. But I didn't care, I was worked up now and I wanted answers.

"David is dangerous. He's a psychopath, a mental case. I've known him since I was younger. He hurt people, good people and I don't want to see you get hurt by him." He looked scared not for himself but for me. He was worried David would do something.

"What do you mean by hurt?" He gripped his hair in frustration.

"I mean hospitalized and later, dead." I felt like my breakfast was about to come up. I'm gonna be sick. David is a murderer.

"Let me help you, Kira. Please." I looked at him as he made his way over to me.

"Okay." I finally said. He smiled at me in relief hugging me. In the process I gently laid my head on his shoulder as a tear ran down my face.

"I'll protect you."
How do you feel about Theo's feelings for Kira? Do you think Nicole and Kira's beef will get physical?

Thank you for reading|Kira😘

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