~~~Chapter Four~~~

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"A-April..." I look at the piece of paper, " a-are you p-pre-pregos?" I look at her. She nods her head slowly. "Oh my lord! That's awesome!" I smile. She looks up at me then starts to cry. "Hey what's wrong?" I rub her shoulder. "What if he doesn't want it?" I look at her, "Are you serious? He will love that bean just as much as you." I say hugging her. "Speaking of that you need to come see him." I say standing up.

Grabbing the paper, her coffee and mine we head to the usual man hole. Looking around there was no one around and we went in. She stayed close to me as we went to the lair. When we got there I watched as Donnie came and greeted April. "Donnie where's Raph?" He looks at me, "He's in the Dojo with Splinter, Leo, Karai, and Mikey." My eye twitched, K-Karai. Oh hell no. Marching to the dojo I see Karai a little too close to Raph. "Woah Phoenix calm down." I grab her by her collar and throw her across the room.

I was stopped by Mikey and Leo. "Let me go!" I growl as I rip my arms out of their grasp. Grabbing Karai by her shirt again I toss her again. "You better run princess cause this is my family, go to prison with that father of yours!" Tossing her again. This time Raph held me. I blacked out

~Raphael's P. O. V~

Seeing how Phoenix reacted to Karai was weird I'd never seen her like this. "Raphael." My father spoke. "Sensei I'm so sorry." I say as I hold Phoenix in my arms. "You need to keep her under control." He said. "But Sensei she-" "GUYS GUYS!" Donnie ran in with a piece of paper in his hands. "Sensei! I'm so happy!" He says with the biggest smile he could mustered up.

"What is it my son?" Sensei asks. "April and I are having babies!" I look at him agape. "I'm gonna be a dad." He starts to cry. My father looks at him and smiles, "Congratulations my son." He bows. I was dismissed by Sensei so I carried Phoenix to our room and laid her on our bed. Walking out of the room I run into Karai.

~Phoenix's P. O. V~

Shooting up from my slumber I look around and see I am alone. I groan as I rub my head. Getting up I walk over to the door and see the lights were still on. I walk down the stairs and didn't spot Raph. Leo was sitting on the couch by himself. I walk over to him and sit beside him. "Whatcha doin fearless?" I say as plop beside him. "Nothing, what happened back there?" He sounded serious. "I don't trust her. Especially when she was close to Raph. She was way to close for comfort." I growl at the thought of her. "Calm down Raph won't hurt you." He says with a warm smile.

Sure enough I hear Raph walk in with Karai laughing. I stand up and say, "Nice to see you too Raphael." Walking past them I walk out into the tunnel. As I walked I knew I was being followed. I made it to the latter but before I could get ahold of it I was pulled into a strong chest. Not even looking I didn't return. "Come on Phoenix don't be mad at me." I hear Raph's voice. I don't answer. "Phoenix, what is up with you?" He turns me around and looks me in the eyes. His emerald green eyes shined but were full of sadness.

"Karai! I don't like her, not one itty bitty bit. I hate her so fuckin much. And she way to close for comfort. Especially with you." I growl. "She stays away or I go." I snap. He looked at me dumb founded. "Your choice either she stays or I stay." I cross my arms. He never answers so I walk away, that's what I thought. Walking up to the surface I go to a hotel to get a room. As I was sitting on my bed I heard a knock on the window. I growled and walked over to it.

It was Raph. He had two cases of beer and flowers. I open the window and cross my arms, "What is it?" I growl. Sitting back on my bed, I hear him starting to cry. He drops to his knees and wraps his arms around my waist. "Don't go, please... Don't go." He sobbed. Feeling my heart break I pull him on top of me and hold him. Feeling tears threaten I let them slip, "I-I'm not g-goin anywhere." I feel him wrap his arms around me as he holds me close.

I kiss him softly, but I felt him kiss back with a little bit more.

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