Chatper Sixteen

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"So you guys think I'm a bad leader?"

We all turned to see Leo. He held a sad look. "Leo come here please." I say patting a seat next to me. He comes and cautiously sits beside me. I put my hand on Leo's shoulder, "You're not a bad leader. You're a great one but you have some flaws like everyone else. But you need to bond with your brothers more, especially Raph." I say looking at Raph.

"You need to understand, Raph, he is silently protecting you when he has his hot headed moments. You have to remember we're all family. Fight beside your family not against them. You know before my wreck me and April use to fight like cats and dogs. Then that wreck happened, April and I have became so close. You two need to understand fighting doesn't solve anything." I say looking at them.

"Promise me you two will stop the fighting. For the sake of your family and Little Blaze. He probably wants his daddy and uncle to not fight." I say softly. "You're right Phoenix." Raph says standing up along with Leo. Raph holds out his hand and Leo takes it then they bro hug. I smile then Mickey jumps in and so does Donnie. I smile at the sight before me. April sits beside me with Darrien and holds her. I smile then blaze kicks hard. I sit up and rub my stomach. "He is really starting to hurt." I groan.

Raph looks at me then puts a hand on my stomach. "We have just 4 more weeks don't worry." He says kissing my stomach. I nod my head and smile. We all spent the rest of the night in the living area. April ordered pizza and got it. We all watched movies and enjoyed it.

I decided to lay against Raph and smiled. As we were watching Real Steal I felt Blaze move around. I then felt something snap. Looking down I felt wet. "Umm... Raph... I think my water broke." I say sitting up then feeling pain. I groan as I sit up. "Raphael. Blaze is on the way get me to the hospital." I say louder. Everyone got us scattering as Raph picks me up and carries me outside in his human form. We quickly got to the hospital where they put me on a rolling bed. I groan as another contraction starts.

"Have you been keeping time on the contractions?" The doctor asks as he gets my room set up. "5 minutes apart 30 seconds long." I say as I groan. Raph rubs my back and says, "We're having our baby." He says. I nod as I smile. They got me into a gown that was open in the back. I laid there as they stepped me up to a heart monitor for Blaze. They were around me, "Are you code green?" A nurse asked me. Remembering I'm having a baby that has a father of a mutant I use that. "Green yes." I say as my contraction started hurting. I lean my head on Raph as he rubbed my back saying sweet nothings into my ear.

The doctor checked on me and said, "You're dilated to a 5, you're half way there." I smile then April walks in and says, "You doing alright?" I nod as another contraction hits me. I cried out in pain, "it hurts so much!" Raph holds my hand and rubs my back, "You're doing great Phoenix. He is almost here." He says kissing my right temple. The contraction was over and I laid back. Raph decides to rub my thighs and says, "Doctor said you should eat some ice chips to cool your body heat." "I'm on it." April says leaving the room.

The doctor walks in and checks Blaze's heart beat. "He is doing perfect. You're doin excellent. Let's have a look..." The doctor checked me and said, "You're right now at a 8 you're almost there. Move about a little bit." She says as she rubs my back. I give her a nod and put my rob on. Raph helps me out of the bed and let's me move around my fairly large room. I leaned up against the wall and swayed my hips slowly as another contraction hit me. "Raphie it hurts so much." I say as I groan. Raph rubs my lower back  and moves with me.

"I understand it hurts. Don't worry you're doing good Blaze is so lucky to have you as his mother." He says softly. As soon as I get back on my bed April walks in with ice chips. I slowly eat them. "He's gonna be as handsome like his dad and smart like his mama." April says holding my hand. I smile and lean my head on hers. "I'm so proud of you." She says making me smile. "And you too Raphael. My sister is about to bring your son to this world. You two got this." I smile at her then she steps out and switches with the doctor. She checks Blaze's heart beat.

"He's still goin." She smiles as she checks me. Then her face goes shocked. "Do not push he is right there." She says then runs out then comes back in with two nurses and a tray full of stuff. "Okay Raphael, hold her leg here and Patricia hold that one. You ready Phoenix dear?" She asks. I nod my head at her.

"Okay here we go..." 

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