Chapter Twelve

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"I'm... I'm gonna be a mom."

I hold my stomach and smile. I let the tears roll down my cheek. Raph was smiling so big. He had his hand over mine. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Our little bean." I smile as the tears rolled down my cheeks. "Yo dudes and dudette! Want some pizza?" I hear Mickey yell down the hall. My stomach growled and I said, "Yes please!" I stood up and walked over to Donny. "Thank you for making my day better." "You're welcome Phoenix. But to make it 100% sure you need to go to the doctor." He says. "I will I'll call them later." I say as the smell of pizza came. "Don't tell anyone yet." I say to both of them.

They nod their heads and Raph grasps my hand. "Our little bean." I smiled as he said that. I walked over to the kitchen and saw the pizza. I quickly grabbed 5 slices and walked off. I sat on the couch and Ralph joined me. "Damn I didn't think you could eat that much." I hear Micky say. I eat a slice then answer, "Well I emptied my stomach so I'm pretty damn hungry." I start on my second slice. Ralph puts an arm around my shoulder as I eat. I held my plate on my lap and saw a green hand slowly moving towards my plate. I growled and snatched the hand and turned it. Looking at the culprit which was Mickey I said, "What do you think you are doin?" I raised a brow at him.

"I was wondering if I can have one of your slices." He says sadly. "You should ask before you take." I say softly letting go of his hand the reaching for a slice. "Here." I hand him the slice and he fist bumps the air and walks away with a smile. "You needed that." Raph whispers in my ear. I shrug and eat both slices in 10 minutes. I rub my stomach lightly and smile. I stood up and walked to Raph and I's shared room. I walked over to the dresser and pulled on a large shirt and a pair of sweats. I pulled out my phone and called April, 'I hope she is awake.'

"Hello?" April said soundings tired.

"Hey sis, sorry to wake you. But I was wondering if you could possibly come down I have something to talk about with you." I say softly.

"Yea sure. I'll be right down." She says.

"Thanks sis see you soon." I smile

"No problem, bye." She says and hangs up.

I stretched a bit and yawned. I walked over to the bed and sat on it. There was knock on the door. "Come in." I say softly. "Sorry to bother you Phoenix, but I was wondering on why Raph is all Mr. Smiles." It was Leo. I smiled softly. "I guess he is really happy about something." I say as I put my hair up in a messy bun. "Oh, any way how are you feeling?" He says looking down at me. "I'm feeling a lot better I think it's cause I ate something bad." I say softly. I looked at Leo then heard a knock on the door again.

"It's open." I say and Raph walked in with April. I smiled at her and Raph. "So what's so important that you needed to tell me?" She says as she rubbed her baby bump. I smiled and patted a seat next to me. "Well I wanted to ask you first, how is it like being pregnant with Donnie's baby?" I ask. I gestured for the boys to leave to which they did. "It's pretty cool. Like my stomach is growing a little bit more than usual, and I have cravings for pizza and Chinese." She says as she talks on about how her being pregnant is. "Why do you ask sis?" She says titling her head a bit.

"Well... You remember our wreck we had and how I can't be pregos because of it?" I say twiddling with my fingers. "Yeah, what about it?" She says putting her hands on my hands. "Well... Umm..." I swallow the lump in my throat, "It turns out that I'm actually pregnant." I say. She looks at me in shock then smiles really big.

"You're gonna be a mom!"

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