Chapter Fifteen

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I held my hands to my mouth as Raph opens up the small red velvet box. It had a red pristine garnet surround by shining diamonds on a golden band. I nodded my head, "Yes! YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" I smile wider. He slips the ring onto my left ring finger shakily. He gets up and kisses me. I pull back and turn his watch.

"This is the Raphael I want to marry." I say as he forms back into his mutant self. He looks away, but I put my hand on his cheek and say, "I fell In love with this you." I smile softly. He smiles then blushes faintly. "So dudette... You going to be my sister?" Mikey asks confused a bit.

 "Yes Mikey." I smile softly as I rub my tummy. "Hey Raph is it okay if I can feel Phoenix's baby belly?" Mikey asks shyly. Raph looks at me then nods his head.

Mikey put his human hand on my tummy and then rubbed it. I smile as I see Mikey's smile getting bigger. Then Blaze kicked at his hand. I smile as I see Raph smiling. "Raph your baby is gonna be a swift kicking Ninja." Mikey says. "He will be yes." He smiles as he looks at his younger brother then at Splinter.

 "Splinter you will be having a grandson." Raph smiles more. Splinter smiles as he strokes his beard. He comes up to me and Mikey steps aside. Splinter puts his hands on my tummy and smiles as he feels him moving. "He's gonna be strong and witted just like his mother and father." Splinter says looking at me and Raph. 

"Oh about your tea..." Raph starts off rubbing his head. "You forgot it didn't you?" I say shaking my head with a smile. "Yes..." He says smiling.

"It's okay cause instead of a tea you can give me a foot massage." I smile patting his chest. I went and sat on the couch. He walks over and he and I talk about the wedding as he rubbed my feet.

>Time skip brought to you by Raph beat boxing<

It's been two weeks and April and Donnie got to bring home Darrien for the first time. I was sitting on the couch with April as she held Darrien. "I'm surprised she came out as a normal looking baby." I say as I rub Darrien's cheek. "Well in the sun light she has a green tint." April says, "Also her eyes are a beautiful chocolate brown." She looks down at her baby. I smile as Darrien reaches a hand out to me. I smile as I take her small light tan hand.

"She's a perfect angle." I smile. I kiss her hand and Darrien smiles. "Blaze will be too." April says putting her hand on my swollen tummy. I smile, "Yeah, he will won't he." I say as I feel Blaze move around. The door opened with a crash and an arguing Raph and Leo. I stand up with the help of April and Mikey runs behind me. "Those have been at it since the patrol was over." Mikey says scared. I cross my arms as Leo and Raph kept yelling.

I took in a deep breath and said, "You two need to stop. RIGHT. NOW!" They stopped and looked at me. "I'll make you two sit on the couch and hug each other while telling each other 'I love you'. And you think i'm bullshitting." I say growling. "If it wasn't for Raph we would've been able to take a thing of mutagen from The Shredder." Leo growls looking down at me.

"Really? Are you sure it wasn't you? You do understand he gets in harms way so you and the others can get out of its way. He puts himself at risk to save you all." I say jabbing his chest. "Remember New York with the Shredder? How he jumped off the building to save me?" April says. "Yes but tha-" "You need to stop being a cold hearted leader and take a thanks to your brother while he sticks his neck out for you and your brothers."

I cross my arms as Leo gives me a glare. "You know, ever since I stepped in Raph has learned to control his self in anger. You are letting yourself get mad over the littlest things. Go to splinter now Leonardo." I was very mad with him that I used his full name. He sighs and walks away angrily. I looked at Raph and and took him over to the couch where April sat on the floor with Donnie and Darrien.

"Now you sit down Raph while I go get you a wash cloth." I smile as I walk up to the bathroom and get a wash cloth and getting it wet with hot water. Ringing it out I waddle back down to the living room where I saw Raph laughing as he watched Donnie play with Darrien. I sat down beside Raph and slowly wiped his face and hands clean. "You're clean enough to hold Darrien now." April laughs. 

Raph smiles and looks at Donnie who was holding her in his arms. "Would you like to hold her brother?" Donnie asks with a smile. "You won't mind would you?" "Nah she's your niece." Donnie smiles and hands Raph Darrien. He held her so carefully and so gently. I smiled as I saw how he held her close. 

"Blaze is gonna love his cousin." April smiles gently. "Yeah, oh and by the way thank you for having my shell back there." Raph says looking at me then April. "The fact I saw Mikey was about to step on a laser that was a trigger I had to push him out of the way. Then I managed to step on it and that's when I apparently 'Messed up' according to Leo." Raph says handing April Darrien. 

"Raph you tried to watch out for your brothers. That is what a leader is suppose to do. Not chew out someone because they tried to save someone else. A good leader will work with his soldiers but a Bad leader will tell them how they see fit." I say putting my hand on his jaw. 

"And besides Raph, Mikey and Donnie even Leo are to be protective of each other, you try to save them without them knowing." Aprils smiles. "Well again, A good leader walks with the team and helps. A bad leader thinks what they see fits has to be their way." I say kissing Raph's shoulder. 

"So you guys think I'm a bad Leader?" 

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