Chapter Seventeen

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"Okay here we go..." The doctor says.

Oh the pain was hurting. "Push Dear." She says. I sucked in a deep breath and pushed. "Gaaah!" I yell as I pushed. "Okay break." She says. I groan and lay back. "You're doing good dear." She says. Raph kisses my head and says, "Ready?" I nod my head and look at the doctor. She gives me a nod and I push again. "Aaaahhhhah!" I yell as I push as hard as I can. "Break..." She says. I lean back then she says, "One more push should do it. You got this sweetie pie." I nod my head and she says, "Push."

Giving all the strength I had I pushed hard. I moaned out in pain then it all stopped hurting. I then heard crying. I looked down and saw a pink baby. Raph helps cut the in the umbilical cord. They hand Blaze to me and he cries. "Shhh it's okay baby. Mommy is here. Mommy's here." I say cradling my son. I looked at Raph who was smiling with tears in his eyes. "We did it." I say as I held Blaze. "You did it Phoenix. You did it." He says kissing me then the top of Blaze's head. They took Blaze and weighed him and measured.

"He is 6lbs 4oz and 17 inches long." My doctor says as the nurse starts to get Blaze dressed and swaddled. While the nurses did that I had to deliver the Placenta, which wasn't bad. After all that I got put on a different bed and changed. I finally got to hold and breast feed my son. I held him close as I fed him. "I'm so happy." I say smiling as I looked at him then at Raphael. "You two have a very handsome son. Good job." My doctor says smiling. "Thank you so much. I couldn't of done this without you. Literally." I smile at her.

She smiles back and walks out letting people come in. I finally finished feeding Blaze who fell asleep. I held him close then handed him to Raphael. "Oh my goodness he's so handsome." April squeals.Raph smiles at her then back down at him. "For being 4 weeks early, he is pretty big." I say smiling. April then held him. Mikey and Leo walked in with balloons and baby toys. "Is my little nephew as handsome as his uncle?" Mikey says smiling. Raph laughs softly, "He might of beaten you on that chart Mikey."

"Oh man better watch out Phoenix, he might be a ladies man." Leo says as he gets his turn to hold Blaze. "He'll be one good looking man when he's older." I smile. Mikey got to hold him then Donnie. "Where is Splinter?" I ask softly. The door opened then Splinter walks in. "You're just in time." I smile softly. Donnie hands Blaze to Splinter who smiled warmly. "He's might want some wisdom now." I say softly. He smiles at me then looks down at Blaze. "For every leaf that has fallen a new one will come and sprout a new. For he was never forgotten just reborn." He says.

I smile softly at Splinter who handed Raphael Blaze. "I think you should rest my dear." Splinter says softly. I nod as I lay back and let sleep consume me.

I woke in the middle of the night to Blaze crying I sit up and Raph gets him and hands him to me. I smile softly and say, "hand me the wipes and a diaper." Raph hands me the stuff and I change Blaze. After that I feed him and burp then feed him again. Smiling down as Blaze are I held him close. After blaze was done eating again I hand him back over to Raph who put him back in his cradle and then laid on the bed with me. I cuddled him and fell asleep again.

Two hours later the routine started again; change, feed, burp, feed, then sleep. The doctor would come check on me to see if I was all right to which I was. I was able to get at least 6 hours of sleep. That's when Raph decided to go get something to eat for both me and him. Then left again but came back with a wedding catalog. "We need to decide on what we want for our wedding and when too." Raph says smiling. I lay my head on him.

"Well let's think..."


Okay guys this your time to shine! Tell me what you would like me to use on the wedding chapter!

Color type, flowers, dress, big or small, outside or inside, where and when, and what other creative ideas you got!

Love you all ❤️

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