~~~Chapter Eight~~~

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"I love you Phoenix~"

I wake up the next morning feeling Raph hold me close. He snored quiet loudly and cutely. I kissed his forehead and got up slowly. As I pulled on an over sized Pitt-State shirt and black and Red athletic shorts along with athletic under armor socks. Walking
down to the kitchen I go straight for the fridge. Pulling out a bottle of water I walk over to my Black Nike's and pulled them on.

I scribble a note on a piece of paper and set it on Raph's end table by his sais. As I crept out of the lair I grabbed my pocket knife with a black handle and had a 9 inch blade. When I got up to the surface I quickly stretched. Pulling my hair into a loose ponytail I walk out of the ally. I jogged around the city and stopped at the park. I watched as little kids play then I saw this elderly woman sitting on the bench. I smiled till I saw a man grab her purse and run.

"HEY!" I shouted and took off after him. I ran after him but he didn't get that far till I kicked him behind the knees. I punched him in the back of the head. Some policemen ran up to me. I grab the purse. "Ma'am what's the problem?" One man says. "I witnessed this man steal this purse from a kind old lady sitting on the bench over there." I say as I watched the cops grab the unconscious man and handcuffed him.

I nodded at them as I walk over to the old woman, "Ma'am, I believe this belongs to you." I say as I hand her her purse. "Oh my thank you so much dear!" She smiled a white smile as her tan wrinkles showed. I looked at this woman she seemed Japanese, with navy blue eyes, grey hair, and looked to be in her mid 70's. "Names Phoenix O'Neil." I smile at her. "I'm Mrs. Rioku." She smiles. "Well it was a pleasure to help Mrs. Rioku but I better head home so my boyfriend doesn't freak out." I say with a warm smile.

"Oh please come by Rioku Diner for such kindness you have shown me and please bring anyone you'd like." She smiled. "I'll be more than happy to Ms. Rioku." I walked away then started by jog back home. I made it to the man hole and looked around to make sure no one follower. I walk into the lair and was met with a some what calm Raph. I kissed his cheek, "Hey Big Red." I smile.

"How was your morning jog?" He asked as he put an arm around my shoulder. "Same old but I had a little more adventure today." I told him about Mrs. Rioku and the man that tried to steal from her. "What did you say that lady's name was?" I hear Master Splinter say. He walked out of the dojo. "All she said was her name was Mrs. Rioku, Sensei." I say turning to him.

"What did she look like?" He said with sparks in his eyes. "Her eyes were this navy blue color, she had tan skin with wrinkles, along with some grey hairs, she looked like she was from Japan, and she was really nice for a woman in her 70's." I smile. "Oh and she also invited me and who ever I wanted to take to her diner." I say looking back at Raph.

Raph rubbed my back. Master Splinter stroked his beard and looked at Raphael and me. "We should all go." I say breaking the silence. "That would be a good idea, but how are we suppose to go out if we are looking like this." Then as if on que Donnie runs out with watches of different colors and says, "I found a way to transfer the mutagen to make us look human!" He cheers.

He hands a red one to Raph, who takes it cautiously. I help out by putting it on him. Donnie explains how it works left for human right for normal. Raph turns it to the left and a light shines. The light dies out and there was a handsome looking man. He smiles a really sexy smile and I look at master splinter. He had jet black slicked back hair, brown eyes, a mustache, tan skin, and some wrinkles. He was wearing a nice suit.

"Donnie this actually worked!" Raph smiled. I bite my lip at Raph, "I like this." I kissed his chin then went to our room. Raph follows me and shuts the door. "This feels weird, having five fingers instead of three." I giggled at him as I laid on the bed. He crawled on top of me and smiled.

His green eyes shined perfectly. But I grabbed his wrist and turned his watch.

"You're perfect like this."

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