
433 18 1

from Luke:

your turn

to Luke:

changed my mind. I look like shit compared to you.

from Luke:

do it

**one picture message sent**

to Luke:

don't judge. I covered up my face so you couldn't see the ugly

from Luke:

shut up. you're gorgeous what tf are you talking about

to Luke:

thanks. but you don't have to lie.

from Luke:

but I'm not? what's your name?

to Luke:


from Luke:

dude, I think everything about you is freaking perfect

to Luke:

omg shut up

from Luke:

anyway, I gtg. talk to you when I get back from trying to find a drummer for my band.

to Luke:

where do you live?

from Luke:

uh, Sydney. why?

to Luke:

I have a drummer for you. his name is Ashton. I'll give you his number if you like.

from Luke:

dude, you save lives

from Luke:

he isn't your boyfriend, is he?

to Luke:

lol, like I could get a boyfriend. he's a friend from a record shop downtown. we work together.

to Luke:


from Luke:

thanks again. ttyl

Read at 12:45 pm


bro ashton is about to join can we all take a moment of pure silence to appreciate this? okay, good. anyway, vote and comment guys. love you guys:)

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