
226 10 3

from Luke:

I'm outside.

from Luke:

it's been 5 minutes hurry

from Luke:

am I at the right school?

to Luke:

bro chill your hill I'm trying to get my swim bag off the top of my locker. be there soon.

from Luke:

need any help from freakishly tall me? :)

to Luke:

nope. unlock your car door.


I slid into the front seat and threw my bags in the back. "I had swim practice today, but coach cancelled so we can go to my house so i can finish homework." luke nodded and drove out of the school zone. i only lived about five minutes from school so it didn't take too long to get home. luke parked in the street to leave room for my parents to park. i pulled out my house keys and unlocked the front door. luke headed for the kitchen and i walked into the living room, throwing my books on the couch. "your house is huge! how do you keep it so clean?" luke yelled from the kitchen. i walked into the kitchen and pulled out a juice box.

luke handed me a small bag of chips and we went back to the living room. we ended up watching some cartoon that luke begged me o leave on and not doing homework. guess i will end up doing my homework again at 1 am. luke finally got bored of the cartoon quickly and changed the channel to some scary movie that was on. i rolled my eyes, i hated scary movies but i wanted to do whatever luke wanted for once. it ended up being Paranormal Activity. I screamed almost every five minutes as luke wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. I kept my head there for the rest of the movie as luke turned off the TV. I didn't notice for awhile as he continued to hold me.

"honey, I'm home. dad won't be home until later. did you have a-- oh hello." I looked up to see my mom smiling. I sit up and scoot further from luke. "hi. i'm adalynn's mom. she never told me she had a boyfriend!" i groaned and looked at her. "mom, we aren't dating. he just picked me up from school and we watched some movies. now he's going to go upstairs and help me with my homework." she laughed at me and told me that she would call when dinner was ready.

"you know, we would make a cute couple." i looked at luke and raise an eyebrow. "no." he chuckled and opened my bedroom door. he jumped on my bed and i grabbed my books. maths took all of 30 minutes and started on my english essay. luke kept bothering me so i pushed him off my bed and he sat there for a few moments. we did nothing after my homework was done. the essay had one paragraph left, so it took all of 20 minutes.

"i have band practice tomorrow. would you like to come?" he looked at me expectantly. i shrugged. "depends on what time. i have practice at 6 and it ends at 7." "practice starts at around 3:30 and ends at 5:30. i can pick you up from school again and then take you to practice. i can stay during your practice to watch so you have a ride home. " i nodded in agreement. we laid on my bed for awhile just staring at the ceiling fan. luke had his arm under me and wrapped around my waist. i ignored it and continued to stare upward. "hey adalynn."

"yeah luke?" he looked over to me and sat up. i sat up also and looked over at him. he looked back and i started to get lost in his baby blue eyes. he sighed and closed his eyes briefly. when he opened them he looked at me again and grabbed my chin harshly, bringing his soft lips to mine. our lips moved in sync and he continued to hold my chin. i wrapped my fingers in his blonde hair, pulling on it lightly. he bit down on my lip gently, making me gasp. he took that as a chance to slid his tongue in my mouth.

he chuckled into the kiss and i rubbed my nose against his trying to get breath. "adalynn, luke! dinner is ready!" we pulled away at my moms voice. we looked at each other for a moment and he rested his forehead on mine. "that was... interesting." luke smiled slightly. "we might have to try that again." luke winked while i tried to catch my breath. he pressed a short kiss to my lips then forehead and we made our way downstairs.


guys i know that it sucks so stfu. i don't care but low-key i do lol. i hope you guys like this sucky chapter and i will bring back the texting soon. love you all. don't forget to vote and comment!

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