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"congratulations class of 2016!" the whole grade cheered as they threw their hats in the air. there was whooping and hollering and dancing. Jase and his girlfriend ran over to me. "adios bitchachos! hola, new life!" He yelled out and everyone nearby looked over at him. the spanish teacher gave him a disapproving look and shook her head. "what? if I'm forced to take spanish I'm gunna fucking use it." A few students laughed at him and so did I. "Jase, you weren't exactly speaking spanish." his girlfriend tugged on his shirt. "anyway, come to the party tonight. bring that hot boyfriend of yours too." Jase laughed. "he's still out of town. his band is on tour."

Jase gave me a weird look. rose frowned too. "we just saw him, though." Rose spoke in her soft voice. "that's not possible. you must be thinking of someone else." there was no way luke was here. he was in Florida now and he had a show soon. "he was over by the food with three other guys. all wearing band shirts." he was describing Luke and the boys. "you would think they would wear--" I ran before I could listen to anything else Rose was saying. I ran to the food tables and lost my shoe on the way. I couldn't see anyone. I pushed some girls out of the way and ran over to look for Luke. 

he was nowhere to be seen. I blinked to stop the tears from spilling and walked back to find my shoe. it was probably one of those stupid pranks Jase always pulls anyways. "congratulations! they say you're the man." someone sang in my ear. I stopped and turned around slowly. Michael was standing there and singing in my ear. I screamed as loud as I could. "where is Luke?" I yelled at Michael. he pointed near the stage where I saw a peak of blonde hair. I kicked off my shoes and threw them at Michael. i would break my ankle running in them. my gown was flowing behind me and i was holding my dress down to my legs. 

I didnt see him anymore and I started to freak out. maybe that blonde hair i saw wasn't his. i came to a slow stop and slumped my shoulders. he was here. either that or i was dreaming. "ready for tour?" i jumped at the voice. Luke. I turned around and there he was. my boyfriend that was supposed to be gone for another three months. "Luke. you're back!" i jumped on him as he caught my legs. i wrapped my legs around his torso and hugged him tight. now that i was back in his arms it was like he was never gone. that he was still the boy i met that climbed two stories every night to lay with me until i fell asleep. the boy that i lived with the one that i fell in love with.

it made me feel like none of those sleepless nights that i spent crying because he wasn't here never happened at all. it was like a sickening love story that everyone wanted to see in the movies. i was crying and he was crying. that punk rock loser was crying. "are we going to that party tonight?" luke asked as he wiped my tears away. i nodded and kissed him. his lips were wet from all the tears. salty but sweet. like he had just ate some candy and the tasted was still on his lips. for the moment i didnt care that we were in public and making out. he didn't seem to care either. that long month that he was away was so hard and i thought that i would have to wait another three until he was back.

i pulled away to see some parents staring at us. some younger siblings were being pushed away from us as luke set me down. "tomorrow we leave for america at 3 a.m." luke smiled down at me. i frowned. they just got back and they were already leaving. "why are you not smiling?" i looked at him with the most withering look i could manage. "why am i not smiling? that's a good question. maybe because my boyfriend will only be here for a few more hours and all we get to do is go to a party together." he laughed at me and kissed my forehead.

"did you not get my text?" i furrowed my eyebrows together. "you said you were going to take an online course the first year of college and you don't have to go back to school until september. youre coming with us on tour." he grinned wide as my jaw dropped. i wasn't going to be away from him any longer. but we had  a problem. there was no way that michael and calum would go to a party and not get drunk. we would be at that party until 3 a.m. at the latest. "we packed your bags before we got here and if you need us to we can always buy you more clothes while in america." i nodded as we walked to meet the other boys.

off to the party.


lol this was really weird idk if you all like it tbh. vote and comment!

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