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I woke up and turned over to grab my phone off the bedside table. 10:53. I had slept longer than I usually do. I don't remember staying up too late though. I dropped my phone onto my pillow and laid back down. I looked over to the left to search for Luke, but the bed was empty. I frowned and decided to go see if he was still here. I shivered as picked out a large sweater and some sweatpants. I got an extra pair of socks to put over the ones I already had on.

I didn't understand why it was so cold in the house. it was warm yesterday. I walked down the stairs and picked up my crumbled up jeans from yesterday, throwing them in the washer with other darks. I guess mum wanted me to do the laundry while they were out of town. I put in detergent and shut the lid, turning its cycle on. as I walked to the kitchen i heard some music playing loudly. I didn't remember leaving the speaker on. I didn't even remember listening to music yesterday.

I shrugged and headed towards the kitchen to turn off the speaker and get some breakfast. I pushed open the door and saw Luke dancing by the stove. he was making cinnamon buns and bacon. he turned off the burner and tilted the pan to shovel the bacon onto a plate. it actually didn't smell that bad. he danced some more as a All Time Low song came on. "you can actually cook. I was thinking if you ever tried to cook you would burn something down." he turned to smile at me and walked over to me, pressing a kiss into my hair.

I giggled at him and he guided me to the table and grabbed the food from the counter. he set our plates and i grabbed some food. I took a bite out of the little pastry and let out a moan at the taste. "Luke. this is amazing. you need to cook for me more often." I took another bite of the roll and another, until it was gone. "well, then I guess it's a good thing I'm cooking for tonight." he grinned, stuffing a few pieces of bacon in his mouth after. "what should I wear for this date?" I looked up at him and grabbed another roll. he chuckled at me under his breath and looked back down at his food. "I don't really mind. whatever you find comfortable. i would wear something a little dressy, but not too much." I nodded and stood up from the table to put my plate in the sink.

"thank you for breakfast Luke." I looked back at him and smiled. he picked up the plates and brought them to the sink. he grabbed some Tupperware and put the left overs inside. he opened the fridge and put them on the bottom shelf. "how did we end up talking? like in the first place?" I asked him, scrubbing the dishes. "I accidentally texted your number instead of Calum's. you both have similar numbers. I'm glad I got the number wrong though. never would have met you if I texted him instead." my cheeks flushed red as he laid his chin on top of my head. he grabbed my hands and wrapped his arms around me.

"this is the best thing so far in my life. definitely one of the top moments I will remember forever." iIsaid, thinking about how much we seemed like a couple. "Adalynn. I have something to tell you." I turned to face him and he sat me up on the counter. "we got signed to a record company. the company has already set up a tour for next month. we leave for America. I was kind of hoping you would come with us." he looked down at me, biting his lip. "I would have to set up online classes. my parents probably wouldn't say yes to it either. I don't know Luke." I frowned at him and he frowned also. "I really want you to come babydoll," he whispered.

"what if you find someone else while away?" I let a small tear roll down my cheek at this thought. he caught it on his finger and connected our lips for a moment. "never going to happen. too beautiful of a girl is going to be here waiting for me to get home if she doesn't come along." I smiled and leaned into him.

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