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it's been a two months since me and Luke met. we are currently in America, for his first tour. he talked me into going and he had to persuade my parents into it also. they gave in after a hour of him begging them. my little sister was more upset than my parents. my dad wasn't exactly on board with the whole 'going on tour with four guys.' thing but my mom okayed it and he went along with whatever she said.

Luke still sneaks into my room even though we are on the same hotel floor. we've been on a few dates and he loves to surprise me with where the dates take place. he really goes all out with the planning. I smile at the thought of Luke Hemmings.

from Luke:

get dressed in something cute. we're going somewhere.

to Luke:

where are we going?

from Luke:

it's a surprise

I rolled my eyes at him and got off my bed. I picked out a simple black dress and some wedges and put them on. I brushed through my knotty hair and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my clutch and put my phone inside after I sent a quick text to Luke saying I was ready. I shut off the lights and walked out into the hall. Michael was standing by Calum's door in his underwear. he looked up when he heard my door shut. "you look hot." I looked down at my shoes and ignored him.

"oh, sorry. that probably made you uncomfortable since you and Luke are a thing." I looked at him and frowned. "we aren't a thing. where did you get that idea from?" "well, he invited you on tour with us, you guys go on dates almost every other day, he's probably waiting to ask you out soon, he sneaks into your room almost every night. anything else I'm missing?" I looked at him confused. he obviously paid a lot of attention to Luke's relationship life.

Luke opened the door to Calum's room, making Michael turn away from me. he walked into Calum's room and shut the door. Luke held out his hand and I grabbed it. he walked us out to the sidewalk and hauled over a taxi. he opened the door for me and got in behind me. he leaned forward to talk to the driver and paid him. as he leaned back i leaned into his side. "we're going to eat at this restaurant. you'll like it." I like anything with you I thought. this boy was breaking down my walls.

he was slowly changing me. it was like I was falling in love. two months. only two. and I was starting to do nothing but have my world revolve around Luke Robert Hemmings. it seemed fake to me though. falling in love and it had only been two months? seemed so ridiculous. he looked down at me again. "are you okay?" I nodded at him. he grabbed my thigh for a moment. I gasped quietly as he smirked down at me. my heart was trying to slow down my his hand on my leg. it felt like his touch was burning my skin.

"you okay Adalynn?" I nodded again, trying to get my breath back. "you just seem a little spaced out." he said, grabbing my leg and pulling up my dress a little ways. I couldn't breathe. his touch was burning hot on my leg. he gave me this looked that told me he knew what he was doing to me. he attached his lips to my neck lightly. close my eyes to make sure I didn't moan at his touch. "L-l-luke." I choked out. he lifted his lips from my neck and fluttered his eyes open. "yes?" I tried to get my breathing to slow as he kept touching my face.

once my breathing calmed he smiled slightly. I opened my mouth to say something but he grabbed my chin quickly. he connected our lips and kissed me harshly. he let a grunt escape his throat as I kissed him back just as hard. he pulled gently on my bottom lip as I let out a small squeak. "can you horny teenagers stop making out in my back seat?" I pulled away from Luke to see that we stopped. my face turned a dark red. I had forgot that we were in a taxi. "you're at the place you asked to be dropped off." Luke thanked the driver and we got out.

"Luke! what is wrong with you?" I asked him as we walked into a fancy sushi restaurant. "what? you look really good in that dress. I can't help you picked out one of the tightest ones you own." I turned red at his words. "oh." he told the lady that we had reservations and she took us to a table. "you're lucky I didn't rip it off of you already. I'm still restraining myself from doing so." I looked over the menu for what I wanted to eat. the waiter came over to us and asked what we wanted to drink. we ordered our drinks. "you know what you want?"

"yes." i nodded. as the waiter come back we ordered what we wanted. as we waited we talked about how tour was going and how the guys were liking it. his eyes lit up every time he brought up preforming for all their fans. i smiled at him and he kept talking. the waiter came with our food and gave us refills on drinks. we continued talk about anything and everything we could think of. as we finished up luke paid for dinner and we walked back out, trying to haul over another taxi. "was that good?" "it was amazing. thank you so much." he squeezed me around the shoulders and smiled.

"adalynn?" i looked over at him and he continued. "i've been waiting for a long time to do this. you are very important to me. you mean so much to me. adalynn reese, will you be my girlfriend?" i looked at him with wide eyes at what he just asked me. michael knew more than i knew about me and luke. "of course luke." he grinned and grabbed my waist as he connected our lips for the second time today. we kissed each other in the middle of the sidewalk, not caring if people saw. after a few minutes we saw flashing and realized that it was the paparazzi taking pictures. i shrugged and continued to kiss him.

after awhile we pulled apart and made a taxi pull over. we got inside and rode back to the hotel.


it was a sucky chapter so no judging k? i hope you guys like it but i won't be surprised if you hated it though. love you all. don't forget to vote and comment. thank you all who have voted so far. i appreciate it a lot.

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