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I logged onto my computer as Luke warmed up before the show. he was a little nervous even though this was like the millionth show he has done. Michael and Calum were running around. Ashton was yelling at them to get ready, that there were only ten minutes before showtime. Michael slowed down as Ashton tripped him. "put on your mic and get ready. Calum stop acting like a damn child. chasing Michael is what you used to do back home when you liked a girl. stop acting like you have a crush on Michael." Calum skidded to a stop. he turned red and went to get ready. "you hurt his feelings I think." Michael laughed a little.

"we have a show in a few minutes. this is no time to play. you guys are not children." Luke shut my laptop and grinned. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. "Luke I was trying to watch something for school. I'll see you four after the show," he took my laptop and put it on a nearby table. "take my hand." I took his hand as he led me near the stage. he did not seem to have a problem taking me on stage as the fans screamed loudly. the others were still backstage so Luke started talking.

"hello, guys. I didn't know if you have met my girlfriend yet. She's amazing and it's been a year since we met.(AN: I skip how long theyve known a lot bc the book isnt going by day its every now and then peeking into what is going on in their lives.) Now, I would rather you guys be happy that we are together and that we are happy instead of bullying her on social media. She deserves the world and she is my world. I don't know where I would be without her. In a way, she is like you guys. She supports us all and she is so happy that we've come this far. 

"It's just that If we we're older, and not still teenagers, I would have already put a ring on her left finger. She's that important to me. That I wouldn't even question going out to buy the most expensive ring because she deserves the best." Luke pulled the mic from his mouth and attached his lips to mine for a moment. In the background, I could hear cheers and yelling and I could see flashing of cameras through my eyelids. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Luke pulled me into his side and smiled. It was almost quiet in the background as someone shouted something. 

"25!" Someone shouted from the crowd. I looked around to see who it was. I reached to grab the mic from Luke. He handed it to me and I started to speak. "Either Maleina came to America just to make that joke or you've watched my youtube channel. Either way, I salute whoever yelled that." I laughed into the mic and someone cheered causing everyone else to cheer. Luke ran off stage to go get the other boys. "Tell the joke." Someone yelled from the crowd. I assumed that it was the same person but maybe it was someone who was curious to what we were talking about. 

Luke ran back out at that moment with the others and I asked him to do the joke with me. "Okay for those of you who are like 'what the hell is she talking about' it's in that episode where Patrick came to boating school with Spongebob on Nickelodeon. Luke grabbed another mic and started to make the joke. 

He snorted like Patrick did in the episode. "24." I snorted along with him.

"Hey, Patrick,"

"Yeah, Spongebob?"

"I think I found something better than 24."



(AN: The video attached goes with this joke. TBH it's an inside joke between me and my friend too)

I gave Luke back the mic and waved before I walked off stage. I went back to what I was doing before and put in earbuds. About two hours later Luke came back and pulled me with him. I wasn't aware of what he was doing and just went with it. He told me to stand near him at all times as we walked back on stage. "Okay guys, we're gunna play one of our first songs on the self-titled album. She Looks so Perfect." The crowd screamed and Luke winked at me.

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey

Simmer down, simmer down
They say we're too young now to amount to anything else
But look around
We work too damn hard for this just to give it up now
If you don't swim, you'll drown
But don't move, honey

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down 

As they played the song, Luke stared at me the whole time. I blushed every time he winked and I got butterflies when he smiled.

Hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey

Let's get out, let's get out
'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking

If I showed up with a plane ticket

And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it 

Would you wanna run away too?

'Cause all I really want is you

As Luke sang that part of the song he moved his guitar to rest on his back as he walked over to me. He pulled a box from his back pocket and got on one knee. This had to be some joke or something. He opened the box and there was a giant ring. He continued to sing as he looked up at me. I covered my mouth as I screamed out.

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mixtape straight out of '94
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down

Hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down

Hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down 
Your lipstick stain is a work of art 
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart 
And I know now, that I'm so down 

When the song was over everyone went crazy. There were cries and cheers. I was crying also as Luke took off his guitar. "Adalynn Reese Jacobson, you make me so damn happy. It's been a year and when I mentioned that earlier it was me trying to hint to you that I was going to propose. It's been a year, and to you, that may be short. But it's felt like a lifetime to me and it just makes me want to spend another lifetime with you. I love you so much and we've been through heaven and hell together. It's been tough and we may just be teens, but I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life and that's the only thing I'm sure of right now." He stood up and kissed my forehead. "Will you make me the happiest man --" "Boy" Michael yelled at him. "Yeah, that, will you make me the happiest boy alive and marry me?"

I smiled as a million thoughts went through my head. I knew what I wanted and that was weird. For once my mind was made up on the spot. I would never so no to that. I loved him more than I could possibly show. "Of course, I love you Luke Hemmings." He grinned and slipped the ring on my hand. As the crowd watched silently, Luke brought the mic to his mouth again. "She said yes!" Everyone erupted in screams and cheers. "I love you Adalynn." Luke kissed me for a few moments and I was still crying. Michael huffed.

He spoke into the mic. "Glad the crowd is happy because we will probably have to deal with their moans while they make love tonight in the hotel."


okay this is the last chapter of this book maybe?? opinions on that? I mean, i might make a sequel if you guys want but if not its cool. leave comments below or dm me andlet me know xx

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